by Brian C. » Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:39 am
A lie.
I have heard that neurologists in the Netherlands are deeply concerned and Jeff(xrn)'s WHO petition has thrown up 15 diagnosed cases of ALS in 550 respondents. Historically the incidence of the disease has been stable at approx 1 in 100,000.
I have learned to distrust everything on any important subject I read or hear from official sources. We are essentially living in a "constructed reality" that serves very (as in "VERY") powerful interests. Anybody attempting to speak Truth to Power faces ridicule, marginalisation and persecution through the media and relevant professional hierarchy. They face potential financial loss if not outright ruin. Sometimes something worse.
I sincerely wish I am exaggerating.
No wonder every published study involving statins contains the confession that they are effective and well-tolerated, no matter the findings.