by Tia » Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:09 am
Hello Gary,
this is the site I go too. I am not trying to push the company, it was just the one a friend found for me. I was very hesitant at first, but also desperate. I used to be the one that said, just give me the pill. Now I will not take anything unnatural.
I wrote the Dr. thinking I would get a response from a staff member and on a sunday I was shocked to get a long letter from the Dr. explaining, first off that all I needed was the liver cleansing, not pushing for anything else and she also explained about the toxins going through my body and be prepared to get some of the pain back. Once off the drug, (Vytorin), I started to fill better but I still needed the CoQ10 every 3 hours to stay out of pain. As mentioned before it took maybe a month before I realized I was not getting the warning signs in my legs and I would forget to take them. I stopped for about 8 months, but I am now building the musles back and I think both Carnitine and Coq10 are good for the body and aging. And aging I did in those two years.
I would recommend when you do/if you do the cleansing, start on a friday, it is not like a laxative, but you do have to go to the bathroom a lot and it is nice to be at home, by the third day you will notice you just have movements right after each meal. You will notice your stomach flattening out, it is wild. You can still take your vit.s during this time.
I was not thrilled on the tea, but others l know like it. It is easy to follow and I even ate meat during the time I was cleansing and I still lost weight. But that is not the most important, the pain returned, but a day or two after, my husband pointed out to me, that I looked more relaxed and I was not massaging my legs all the time.....and slowly, I just stopped hurting all together.
I swear it is what made me get through this, we need to get that poison out of our bodies. I understand the fear, I had my business up for sale, I am Canadian so I was going to move back to Canada (in GA now), because of health insurance (over $2800. a month). This drug can kill people and sadly as you read, make someone do it to themselfs. Good luck!! I hope with all my heart you get the same results.