by tex62 » Tue Apr 04, 2006 6:51 pm
This study is similar to other studies in that it was funded by the maker of the drug. This study involved Rosuvastatin (Crestor) which is made by AstaZeneca who funded this study. This study lasted for two years and did not last long enough to determine how this treatment translates into reduced mortality. Some other statin studies while showing a reduction in deaths from coronary events showed an increase in deaths from all causes. This study had no control group. It also reported the “typical study” number of subjects who experienced adverse events with 1.8% experiencing liver enzyme’s more than 3 times greater than normal, 1.2% experiencing CK levels 5 times above normal, and 3.7% who stopped taking the drug due to musculoskeletal complaints (this information came from a Medscape article that discussed the study). I will be happy when one of these drug companies puts some money into researching how to treat this “small percentage” of study participants who experienced adverse events