I am asking for help on this forum

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

I am asking for help on this forum

Postby telxpert » Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:20 am

As I said one and half year ago, Vytorin 10/20 ruin my life and continued to this day. Last week December 9, 2008 Have been hospitalizes for a hearth attack. We can all say that 100% of the time we know what is going on our body. When you visit a doctor he usually ask you what is going on and come up with diagnosis or order some test. My situations here in Las Vegas are far away from the truth that this procedure is being fallowed because of my history with a doctor and vytorin. I know that am being blacklisted by the medical community here in Las Vegas. Before I go to far from my point that I just have a heart attack and specifically wrote down all the drugs am allergic to. What the hospital did is the opposite and gave me bags intravenously with Statin that made me sick with bleeding coming out from nose like an open faucet and the typical bones and mussel injuries..

You know why Las Vegas, Nevada doctors are so brave to make this kind of mistake or do not care if they make a mistake attitude. The State of Nevada have pass a law about three years ago to protect the doctors and not the patient and also make it impossible to encourage a lawyer by making very expensive case to bring case to courts. Therefore, if you are leaving in Nevada they can hurt you, disable you, or kill you and at this state of Nevada, you mean nothing. This abuse will continue with no help from any body and that includes your bill of rights in this state called Nevada.

I am asking for help on this forum that we are not taking anymore and find a way to fight together for the injustices’ we receive from doctors, drug company, elected official with all that is responsible weather known or unknown. Wake up we are under attack and all we do is complain and cry in this forum. Enough is enough. Take action revolutionize to be treated with respect with a name called human being.

My real name:
Joe Baro
2855 Belleza Lane @ Henderson, Nevada 89074
Posts: 48
Joined: Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:17 pm

Postby Allen1 » Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:59 am

Hi there Joe,

what has happened at the hospital should be passed on to someone in the legal profession who does know how to deal with incompetence or whatever this drastic error would be named. Once again you have given clear instructions and wrote that you are allergic to statins and this was ignored, legal advice is what you should be seeking in this matter, you could also show your legal representative the 2 links below to back up your concerns.


You also posted in an area where we are not allowed to reply ie:-

As I mentioned in a previous post, you could try going out of County/State to get the medical help and advice you require. I would seriously consider that option given the way Nevada has been allowed to treat people like yourself.

You are also asking everyone to find a way to fight together for the injustices, that is something everyone wants, but other than sending some emails to members of government etc, what else can we do apart from sharing our experiences with others?

This is not a cop out, but what exactly do you want/expect us to do? please advise.

All the best,

Posts: 457
Joined: Fri Sep 07, 2007 11:55 am
Location: England

Postby Brian C. » Thu Dec 11, 2008 10:52 am

It's a political problem Joe with all that THAT implies.

The important thing is to thoroughly educate yourself regarding your medical condition so that you know more than the doctors (not difficult, believe me) and seize full control of your body.

Keep reading through the past posts and the links here and you will learn a hell of a lot.

People have tried the legal route but have got nowhere. It's not just Nevada.

Be encouraged that you are in a survivors' club here, where knowledge is freely shared.

Raging against the "machine" will make you ill again. Determine to quietly make your own path out this mess. Be "bloody minded" about your own survival and to hell with the professionals.

George Bernard Shaw wrote that "all professions are conspiracies against the laity". That is the truth and has been for centuries.

Brian C.
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Location: Ongar, UK

Postby Cat Mom2 » Tue Dec 23, 2008 9:56 am

What gets me is they think we are idiots for not trusting the medical community anymore, they still expect us to take what they say without question and follow their instructions even though it makes us sicker than we were..

It really chaps my hide how they are trying to shove these statins down our throats even knowing they are doing us harm. I saw my eye doctor yesterday and she even commented on my high cholesterol and the fact that I know it is high... My comment back was "It is NOT high for ME!"..

I have a friend who told me in one hospital stay, he was handed the wrong drugs about 4 or 5 times, one of the times the drug was for someone named Betty! His name is JIM! They also tried to give him a drug his doctor told him NEVER to take again, had his chart in their hand and he told them to look at his chart! A simple "My mistake" was their response..

He is a character and he told them if he EVER woke up to find them putting anything in his IV, he would beat them half to death, they BETTER wake him before they added anything to his IV or ELSE!

I think in Navada or anywhere, YOU should have the say so on what goes in your body and be held accountable for any mistake they make. I would be working on changing that stupid law if I were you, that just isn't right! They can kill or cripple you and not be held accountable? That is WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!
Cat Mom2
Posts: 250
Joined: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:18 pm

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