FDA Indicts Itself

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FDA Indicts Itself

Postby epfleger » Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:10 am

Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Feb 12, 2008 4:06 pm

Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:55 am

Ed, I'm very happy to read this bit of news. Thank you for posting.
There are no real surprises here, but it's encouraging to know the FDA would even undertake an independent audit of any depth; let alone allow negative results about their operations to be published. FDA past performance has been shamefully humiliating to say the least, and though the detail is indicting, the fact that we are reading about it with the full knowledge of the FDA, is good.

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Postby Brian C. » Sun Dec 28, 2008 2:46 pm

Wow, that article was well buried for 5 months. Well done turning it up epfleger :)

Of course this can be used to argue for no regulation at all - but maybe that will be a more honest situation than that which has prevailed for too many years. "Let the corporations fear the courts" should be the guiding principle in future.

The Time of the Great Unravelling has arrived.
Where it will take us is anybody's guess...

Brian C.
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Postby Allen1 » Sun Dec 28, 2008 4:10 pm

Nice find there epfleger :)

I would personally like to see any treatment, new or old, still being held accountable if harm is or has been done. This applies to not only Statins but all the other FDA approved drugs already available and to any of the NOT FDA approved drugs/treatment that may be allowed to be used if things go that way.

Common sense and products being removed from the market if problems are found would be a requirement that should carry the full force of the law if ignored, hopefully that would get rid of any snakeoil con men and all the Statin type rubbish that is harming so many folk.

I would also like to see new laws that would ensure that big companies with their slimly lawyers were made to take responsibility for continuing to knowingly mask any harm done by their product, this would also include those well paid puppets that keep alive the myth about statins and what they can do right down to any doctor who prescribes such treatment knowing that it can or will cause harm (unless a patient is informed and agrees to that treatment as some will). :shock:

All the best,

Allen :)
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