Hi Everyone. I would appreciate your input.
I read Dr. Graveline’s recent newsletter (Jan. 6, 2009) about Dr. Vladutiu’s Research Study for Genetic Susceptibility to Statins. I took Crestor for only 3 weeks in 2005, and stopped due to severe debilitating muscle pain, burning nerve pain, weakness, and memory problems. Now over 3 years later, I continue to have myopathy and polyneuropathy. I take many various amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, and other supplements daily.
I plan to participate in Dr. Vladutiu’s statin study. Using blood tests, they said they will test volunteers for genetic mutations causing 3 triggerable myopathies: McArdle Disease (myophosphorylase deficiency), Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase (CPT) II Deficiency, and Myoadenylate Deaminase Deficiency. They may also test CK (Creatine Kinase).
I would appreciate any advice. My questions are:
1. Has anyone else in this forum participated yet? How long did it take to get results?
2. Since I take several dozen various supplements (e.g. Carnitine – 3000 mg, CoQ10, etc. daily), should I stop taking them, and if so, for how long prior to testing? For example, would Carnitine supplementation affect the results of the Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase (CPT) II Deficiency or CK tests? Could any other supplements affect the test results? I want the test results to be as accurate as possible.
Thanks so much for your help.