Do you think this is good advice?

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Do you think this is good advice?

Postby Allen1 » Sun Jan 25, 2009 8:07 am

I have just been browsing around a few sites and I cannot believe the arrogance and complete and utter rubbish that people like someone called "herbthesherb" have come out with. This stupidity virtually dismisses any problems via statin use as being absurd and if anyone has read his comments then they may doubt that the statins were the cause of their ailments and have continued to take statins and maybe cause much more serious problems for themselves.

I am pretty sure I have seen that name "herbthesherb" elsewhere and he/she or it is doing a lot of harm by leaving stupid remarks and belittling the problems that so many folk have experienced, there are as I say many folk who will have taken note of that idiotic advice and continue to inflict harm to themselves by staying on this stuff even when they are hurting.

Unfortunately he/she/it is not the only idiot or is that possibly someone in the employment of a drug manufacturer who has bad advice to offer.

Take a look at the post below, thankfully there are some good replies/posts there too.

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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:54 pm

All you can do is join and post on that site the institutional/medical links that provide solid proof of Statin side effects, especially the ones which isolate a genetic trigger, and invite Herb to join us here. For me, I view correspondence with people like this as a PI$$ING contest, and don't want to spend any time there as he seems to have his detractors already. There a SO MANY BOZOS out there; this is just one more. :o(

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Postby Biologist » Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:02 pm

herbthesherb wites:

"At last the reality of the statin situation. It seems to me there is an large amount of contradictory information about the side effects of drugs, statins in particular. One week they are the best thing, the next you get an expose on side effects. Personally I take them to avoid the risks you point out from high cholesterol. I think there is too much information, usually conflicting in the public domain, internet mainly. I take my advice from the professionals, not from the internet or newspapers."

I like his last line. I would like to add this for his consideration: "Yes, friend, and the professionals take their advice from convicted felons, the Pharmaceutical Companies." Blind trust is dangerous; blind trust given to self-interested felons is just stupid.

Convicted felons (or worse, unindicted, unconvicted felons) in the industry are arguably doing just as they should for their shareholders. It is the absurd system that needs fixing.

The guy is just misinformed and naive, like the majority of statin takers -- which is why so few show up on such forms such as this one, I suspect. When they hear: "statins don't do that, and even if they did, they save lives" they believe it when coming from their deluded and brainwashed "professionals."

Carnivegan writes a good post in response to him. Maybe he shut up after doing some of the reading suggested to him.

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Postby Allen1 » Sun Jan 25, 2009 5:22 pm

Hi there Brooks and Biologist,

I have signed up to that site but have to wait up to 24hrs before I can post. I just noticed that "herbthesherb" and "La Boheme" don't have their names in blue and underlined, so I am wondering if they are still members? La Boheme did give some darn good replies as did "Carnivegan" and hopefully anyone reading the content of the posts will have taken note of their replies and dismissed all the misleading and harmful rubbish left from "herbthesherb" and at least one other misdirected member.

I am not on a witch hunt, but I really am concerned that anyone else doing a search on the internet could across this and be misled and that could be devastating.

All the best,

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