It has been almost three years since I stopped taking Lovastatin. The constant aching in my legs stopped upon ceasing to use Lovastatin, but the muscle in my legs have not stopped hurting. It is still painful to sit down or get up from a chair, get in an out of a vehicle or go shopping. When I am shopping I must use the grocery cart to help stop the aching. My leg muscles, particularly in my left leg, appear to have almost wasted away. I take 400 mg of CoQ-10 and 500 mg of L-carnitine a day. I know, I know, I should take more a day, but all that does is mask the problem and it is expensive. Apparently, once damaged, the mitochrondra pathway never repairs itself. Oh, I was on 40 mg of Lovastatin for 9 months before my doctor said, " Gee, maybe your having a statin drug reaction. Stop taking the statin drug ". Than, a month later, he wanted to try another statin drug and I refused.