by cjbrooksjc » Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:40 pm
H: Statins damage the mitochondria of our cells. These "mitos" provide all the energy (ATP) our cells use to function - pick up a spoon, and the mitochondria provide the energy the muscle cells require to perform that function - If your mitochondria can't perform to produce the energy required, you can't pick up the spoon - you simply aren't able.
Here's an excerpt from a link 'peter s.' provided in another thread:
"Mitochondrial diseases stem from gene defects in the cells' mitochondria, which convert energy from food into energy the body can use. These genetic errors lead to the production of dysfunctional proteins that spew toxins into the cells. "It's a little bit like a car engine; if it doesn't work well, it produces smoke," Enns says. In mitochondrial diseases, that "smoke" consists of free radicalsâ€â€