My whole family affected by statins

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My whole family affected by statins

Postby saved from statins » Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:14 pm

I first became aware of the dangers of statins when in Dec 08 my brother sent me a copy of an article from the Nov 03 issue of Smart Money magaziine, entitled "The Lipitor Dilemma." The article, by Eleanor Laise,
chronicles the suffering of an unfortunate victim of Lipitor, Mike Hope, a formerly functional, successful businessman who succumbed to the horrible side effects of this monster drug. . My husband had been on it for about 6 six years, and I had been frustrated about his many maladies, which I just chalked up to growing older (he's 68). It started out after he took Vioxx, then had coronary artery stents twice. He had generalized aches, severe pain in his right flank, gout, a peculiar rash, neuropathy of his lower legs, cubital tunnel symdrome, amongst other symptoms. We repeatedly asked our trusted doctors for help, but they didn't have a clue. His liver enzymes always checked out ok, so none of us every suspected a drug reaction. I should know better--I have been an RN for 25 years, and have seen many drugs (including Vioxx) produce horrific side effects, then be taken off the market suddenly, never to be heard from again. The poor silent victims just fade away. Anyway, last summer (09) while we were on vacation out of state, my husband suffered TGA. When I got back to the hotel from the ER I went to the computer in the hotel lobby and typed in TGA, and went right to Thank God, he recovered, and when we got home, he was evaluated by a neurologist, his internest, and his cardiologist--all clueless. I told them I was taking him off statiins--they all told me I was as much as killing him. He has continued the slow process of recovery, but I fear will never be the same.
I and my brothers took Lipitor, then Zocor for a few weeks prior to this and suffered aches and pains. My other brother suffered a ruptured Achilles tendon while on Lipitor for 2 years after an MI and bypass surgery. My 90 year old dad was losing his memory, had pain and weakness, , and was increasingly angry and
aggressive. I have a friend who started on Crestor and couldn't get out of bed for a week; another friend's mother took it for 1 day and couldn't get herself off the toilet. All the doctors and many of my friends think I'm nuts, but I will be forever grateful to the courageous Dr. Graveline for informing me about statins. My brothers, my dad and my husband are all doing better, and it would not be so if it were not for my hero, Dr. Graveline.
saved from statins
Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:53 pm

Postby Allen1 » Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:23 pm

Hi there saved from statins,

its good to see you found the source of the problems. I do hope you and your family keep improving and hopefully keep passing the word about this poison as you go. In this day and age it is disgraceful how many doctors and specialists are completely ignorant to the problems that statins are causing to so many people, there really isn't an excuse now seeing that a great many members of sites like this have informed many doctors about the problems.

All the best,
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Postby Biologist » Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:56 pm

I don't have heros. If I did, Dr. Graveline would be on the top of the list.

I know a doctor or two who have never met him who truly think the world of him. Their numbers will be increasing.

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Joined: Sun Jan 14, 2007 4:25 pm

Postby cjbrooksjc » Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:00 pm

Quote: "Biologist - I know a doctor or two who have never met him who truly think the world of him. Their numbers will be increasing." DITTO! and one who has (Langsjoen) - and is of the same opinion!

Welcome to clarity, 'SFS'. Welcome to the forum!

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