OK, I get it--heart attacks are caused (at least, in part) by INFLAMMATION.
Statin drugs have an antiinflammatory effect. However, statins frequently have HORRIBLE, PAINFUL, DEBILITATING, sometimes LIFELONG unacceptable side effects. Just what is the medical community (physicians and research entities) offering us in the way of antiinflammatories that protect against heart disease? It seems to me that once the cat was out of the bag about the unacceptable side effects, the greedy drug companies have been desperately trying to reinvent statins. They are suddenly now antiinflammatories. I, for one, am not buying this load of horse manure. I will continue telling the whole truth about statins until my dying breath. I tell everyone and anyone. Unfortunately, I am a nurse, and ethically I cannot discuss this with my patients. I just refer them to the PDR, their pharmacist, and their physician, knowing that chances are they will not get the whole truth. We all deserve to know the entire truth about anything we take into our bodies. It is a legal, ethical and moral issue which has been obfuscated by greed and ignorance. spacedoc.net is a tiny little light of hope shining in the darkness.