"The Stick" - improves tight muscles

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"The Stick" - improves tight muscles

Postby valgators » Wed May 20, 2009 9:46 am

Hi all,

I wanted to share "my find". It is called The Stick and I purchased mine from my chiropractor. I use it on all muscles before bed and upon awakening. It helps to loosen tight muscles and increases blood flow, both of which help with muscle pain.

The website for info is *www.intracell.net The site shows all varieties but I bought the only one the chiropractor had which is G-1900. The cost was $30. I think I will ask them to order HD 2650 because I have bad muscle spasms in the upper and lower back. You can't order direct from this website but if you click on the "Location" icon, it lists stores in many cities and countries (including UK). Or perhaps asking a PT or chiropractor is the easiest way.

One word of caution if you decide to get one: go easy at first until you find your comfort zone. You can overdo very easily and really get sore.

Hope this helps others find some relief too.
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Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:32 pm

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