Maybe more people are getting it than we think!

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Maybe more people are getting it than we think!

Postby valgators » Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:18 am

Hi all,

Recently, I had a second appointment with a new rheumatologist. As he was pondering symptoms, etc., I said I think my issues are all related to damage from statin drugs that I took for many years before stopping Feb. 08. I didn't know what kind of reaction to expect, but surprisingly, he said "Well, you are certainly not the only one to feel that way. There are many patients who walk in this office who have the same convictions and have stopped taking statins. So you are certainly not alone." Now, he didn't go as far as offering his opinion but he certainly didn't shoot it down. His only question was whether my primary care doctor knew I had stopped and I said yes.

So, maybe more are figuring things out. Wish we could get them to find this site!

Luck to all. Valgators
Posts: 78
Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:32 pm

Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:35 pm

Val: Good to hear you have found a sympathetic ear. I recently, thru my new PCP, found a rheumatologist ( I am not arthritic) to help me uncover the source of and a treatment for this (our) problem. Not only did he agree that the statins were likely at fault, but he set out to eliminate all other possibilities (I call it the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle approach) so we could get to a muscle biopsy. What he said is what I have been saying: The statins could be directly responsible for the problems and/or they could have triggered the onset of the problems, and given they are out of my system by now (nearly 3 yrs) he will focus on mito damage, and muscle fiber damage of the biopsied muscle. He is also recommending the Phillips (New Zealand) treatment for prolonged statin side effects following a period of cessation: Prednisone or prednisolone perhaps combined with methatexate (sp?)

As long as there is road to run I feel at least hopeful, but I'm certainly getting tired of "no negative result" from these many probings.

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Postby valgators » Sun Jun 07, 2009 4:54 pm

Hi Brooks,

Good luck on the biopsy! Hope you will finally get some answers and please let us know the results.

It is interesting you mentioned Prednisone. Last summer I had a bout of costochondritis. Although it took 4 months and 4 doctors before they figured out what was wrong, the prescription was for the Medrol dose pak. But that small amount of prednisone made me feel the best I have felt in several years and the improvement lasted for almost 2 months. This new rheumo is aware of that history and has also mentioned Methotrexolate (sp) as an additional possibility. (By the way, I have very few symptoms of osteoarthritis but they ran 4 pages of blood tests and came up with nothing so they speculated it might be mild osteoarthritis). I know that's not the problem but at least this rheumo is willing to listen and seems open-minded. I have a return visit on the June 12 so maybe I will have new info after that.

Good luck.
Posts: 78
Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:32 pm

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