I came across the following in another forum- it's an old post and I'm trying to find the poster who I think is an MD. the post explained to me the why of what I found by observation ie that I could minumize damage and pain by limiting any physical activity to 3 or 4 10 to 15 minute sessions per day. I begin and end the most important passage with emoticons.
"The other possibility is statin damage. There are many mitochondrial experts who have become quite interested in statins, due to all the patients that are finding their way to them. Many of the mitochondrial damages seen commonly in statin patients are, under circumstances of normal congenital causes, only seen by pediatricians - never by doctors treating adults.Which, perhaps, is one reason so few doctors recognize statin damage early enough to prevent disabling damage.
A rheumatologist may also be in order (but the neuromuscular specialist would be the first stop). The high CPK, if associated with mitochondrial damage from the statins, can be indicative of myopathy.
If you exert yourself beyond the ~20 minutes of ATP stored in the cell, the mitochondrial damage will prevent the oxygen exchange that would normally replenish the muscle cell with energy. The next step is cellular damage, and even cellular death - apoptosis. The body's reaction to apoptosis is to produce a great deal of uric acid, which halts the cell death, but then the crystals form and gout develops. Gout, or inflammation in the joints, is a form of arthritis, which is what rheumatologists address
Be very cautious. When the exertion continues, after developing gout, people with statin can damage develop kidney and liver damage and often need gall bladder surgery. Continuing beyond that can result in rhabdomyolysis, which can be life threatening. From our experience, this danger exists even in the 3rd year after discontinuing the statins.You may need to visit several doctors and bring information on statin adverse effects along with you. Too many are unfamiliar with the syndrome, and they tend to deny all possibility, thus making themselves incapable of treating the true cause of the problem. "
from this I've decided to start an additional suppliment of sublingual ATP in between sessions of activity to see if I can indrease the number of sessions per day...
If you look into ATP synthasis, use and reuse in the body you begin to see why CO-Q10, carnatine, dribose, and magnesium oratate supplimentation are suggested. I'm just beginning to understand this whole picture and hopefully Biologist will weigh in here and explain this better