Hi Fran.
I knew of your site, having been pointed there by another person. It is very nicely done and to be admired. I can see that it represents far more work than I could easily produce in the few days since the birth of my site.
Within the sites that are already on the web, your site is a beacon of well-presented material. I live for the day when my site building skills can match it but I will settle for being just 1/10th as good. We should consider exchanging links but only after I have had another week or so of tending to a live web-site.
I have chosen a different route for reasons that are only clear when I can express my thoughts clearly. I have bought the rights to the domain name, 'talkingstatins.com', having checked and found that many domain names with the word 'statin' in them have already been reserved by pharmaceutical companies and pharmacy chain stores. I had to run more than one search to find a name that had not been taken. The taken names are all empty sites, which suggests something is afoot.
You will probably have noticed that there is no www in my site address. It is behind a very secure system that can only be accessed by sftp or ssh protocols. My paranoia about the possibility of attempts to take the site down or to create DOS chaos is responsible. I will also want to code a database for SQL interrogation and to run several server side scripts that are not usually permitted from a site that hosts other websites.
Speed of access is yet another issue and having a clean and fast to navigate site was a priority. There is much more to come and my site is really just displaying markers of future intent. Owning the domain also ensures that it cannot be bought by those with 'other interests' and my control is 100%.
Kind regards,