Hello all,
I have changed the front page to this petition now that an analysis of 100 comments has revealed a better use of the petition signatures. It relies more heavily on people supplying the information requested. I am looking for opinions from Spacedoc members as to whether the front page of the petition needs anything else added to it and how well it reads.
Please sign the petition if you are new to the Spacedoc site and have not yet signed. Please tell anyone else that you know to be taking statins or who has had experience of taking statins to sign as well.
Please refer your medical practitioner to the URL where the analysis can be read. If you need a copy of the analysis document, as a PDF file that you can print (it is 10 A4 pages in length) please ask me to supply you with one. I can be contacted by email at... jeff(at)jcable(dot)co(dot)uk.
[replace the words in brackets with symbols and delete the brackets and leave no spaces to e-mail me]
The petition site can be found at the following URL...
The analysis is very revealing and can be found at the following URL...
[please don't forget to remove the asterisks from the front of the URL's before you paste the addresses into your web browser]
Please remember that the analysis was written for medical doctors so the language may not be quite as accessible as I would have wished but all credible research has to be written in that slightly stilted style. The facts revealed by the analysis are very revealing and if you pass the URL onto your medical practitioner, it is likely to make them think before they give statins to any other people
Kind regards to all,
Jeff (aka xrn)