Changes to global petition against statins - please comment

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Changes to global petition against statins - please comment

Postby xrn » Wed Dec 05, 2007 6:16 am

Hello all,
I have changed the front page to this petition now that an analysis of 100 comments has revealed a better use of the petition signatures. It relies more heavily on people supplying the information requested. I am looking for opinions from Spacedoc members as to whether the front page of the petition needs anything else added to it and how well it reads.

Please sign the petition if you are new to the Spacedoc site and have not yet signed. Please tell anyone else that you know to be taking statins or who has had experience of taking statins to sign as well.

Please refer your medical practitioner to the URL where the analysis can be read. If you need a copy of the analysis document, as a PDF file that you can print (it is 10 A4 pages in length) please ask me to supply you with one. I can be contacted by email at... jeff(at)jcable(dot)co(dot)uk.

[replace the words in brackets with symbols and delete the brackets and leave no spaces to e-mail me]

The petition site can be found at the following URL...

The analysis is very revealing and can be found at the following URL...

[please don't forget to remove the asterisks from the front of the URL's before you paste the addresses into your web browser]

Please remember that the analysis was written for medical doctors so the language may not be quite as accessible as I would have wished but all credible research has to be written in that slightly stilted style. The facts revealed by the analysis are very revealing and if you pass the URL onto your medical practitioner, it is likely to make them think before they give statins to any other people

Kind regards to all,
Jeff (aka xrn)
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Wed Dec 05, 2007 6:23 pm

Jeff: I am particularly taken with Dr. Henk van Dam's capitalized, succinct comment #277. I'll leave this as a Tantalus-like draught for others to enjoy when they open the petition URL.

Fond regards,

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Postby xrn » Wed Dec 05, 2007 7:34 pm

Indeed, Brooks. Indeed.

It is really gratifying to see a few more signatures being applied to the petition each day. I now have secured links to the petition from several other sites and that is what is helping to get the slow-moving numbers to creep upwards at a faster rate.

At the current rate, I should be able to amass another 1000 signatures within far less time than it required in getting the first 250 signatures. It is obviously a matter of great urgency, that more people are not damaged needlessly. Whichever deity is watching this little drama unfold, I often wish that they would get off their throne and lend a hand. <sigh>

I am still trying to interest other people, clinicians and good healthcare sites, to link to the petition but that is very slow work and I have very little time to spend just trawling the internet for likely sites. I have to keep reserve some time for reminding the clinicians that their raison d'être is actually the patient who comes to their consulting suite.

I am about to have another push at getting some really appropriate publicity, in yet one more effort to find a journalist with integrity. We shall see what the new day brings.

Kind regards,
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Postby Dee » Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:18 am

Hi Jeff,

I have read your analysis on Amazing work! Thanks so much for all your efforts.

You mentioned journalists. Here is an article that may be of interest to you. This guy could really use some enlightenment. He's all yours:)

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Postby Allen1 » Thu Dec 06, 2007 11:45 am

Hi Jeff,

it is good to see quite a few doctors have also added there name to the petition and quite a few have added comments too. I couldn't read the comments using Firefox but Internet Explorer worked fine, just adding that in case others have a problem.

It looks like people are now starting to take notice about the effects that this"Wonder Drug" is really having and that things will no longer be swept away with false claims and fancy advertisements for much longer. This petition proves that people are searching for the reason they feel so ill, I just wish that the penny had dropped for me and everyone else here long before it did.

Good luck with the petition and thanks for keeping us informed.

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Postby cjbrooksjc » Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:36 pm

Allen: I use Firefoox almost exclusively, and I have no trouble reading the comments. After I bring up the petition, I point and click on the signatory list option and then point to the 'view' word in the comment column; it works fine. Maybe you are back level? In any case, I thought you would like to know.


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Postby Allen1 » Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:44 pm

Cheers Brooks, it was an add-on called NoScript that blocked the "view" option.

All the best,

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Postby xrn » Thu Dec 06, 2007 11:35 pm

Thanks Dee. letter sent... ;)


"Dear Jerry,
It was really refreshing to read your excellent article, 'A Big Dose of Skepticism', dated December 10th 2007. The medical profession are happily blind to anything one is told by a hairdresser, while they do not seem to mind prefixing every minor piece of research with the words "studies show".

The question about whether statin use is dangerous is never answered in a way that ordinary people can make sense of. I have been running an anti statin-petition and each person who signs it, may write a supporting commentary for their signature, of up to 500 words. I recently attempted to tabulate the comments in an effort to make some sort of sense out of them.

After analysing just 100 comments, I was shocked to find that 5% of the respondents had developed Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and this condition is thought by epidemiologists to occur at a frequency of 2 cases per 100,000 people. This makes for a very disturbing trend if it is maintained and the World Health Organisation (WHO) have only recently picked up on the possibility that statins may promote more cases of ALS.

I invite you to read the petition comments directly (now at 291 signatures) from the following URL...

It makes for a compelling read and just mousing over the list of signatories where the hyperlink 'view' is located, will reveal the very sad and telling comments.

The analysis is located here...

I can supply you with a PDF file for both items should you require it. I believe that we will shortly see an explosion of statin-damaged people because it is not a matter of if they will be harmed but when.

As I can phone the US for less than $1 per hour, I will be very happy to talk to you directly. I can also put you in touch with some of the world's leading researchers in the field of statin damage. As a matter of urgency and to stop more people being needlessly damaged, I would respectfully request that you consider giving these issues some publicity. "
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Postby xrn » Thu Dec 06, 2007 11:38 pm


Thank you for your good wishes. I emailed another 25 potential sites and asked them to link to the petition. It is a work in progress with 276,000 sites to trawl. Googled "statins are dangerous" and I am working form that list.

I hope you find relief from your symptoms. Loads of good advice here on Spacedoc.

Posts: 244
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