EDTA Therapy

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

EDTA Therapy

Postby uncle2blade » Tue Dec 18, 2007 4:30 pm

Does anyone have anything to share on EDTA therapy. I just ran across it whle looking for supplements. It just sounds to good to be true, and that usually means it is.

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Postby adec » Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:17 pm

I definitely believe in chelation therapy, but find EDTA completely unnecessary based on its potential cytotoxicity. DMSA might be all right. While I strongly favor things like IP6 (inositol hexaphosphate or rice bran extract), alpha-lipoic-acid, taurine, N-acetyl cysteine, glutathione, zinc and selenium, for the same general purpose.
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Postby uncle2blade » Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:44 pm

adec, How about Astaxanthin? What does it do?

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Postby Brian C. » Wed Dec 19, 2007 4:02 am

I have been receiving EDTA chelation therapy from my endocrinologist off and on over many years now. I have found it beneficial, with lessening of plaque and improvement of flow (though my LDA blockage has proven obstinate). Last summer I met two chaps who had each been "threatened" with triple-bypasses 20 years ago but through fortuitious circumstances discovered chelation therapy before consenting. They both appeared hale and hearty to me (one is a racing driver).

I have not heard of anyone having cytotoxicity problems from the treatment.
The EDTA is administered intravenously with 10g of Vit C, B Vitamins (can't remember off-hand which) and heparin.

I shall be going again in the New Year, it will rid me of any mercury remaining in my system after my course of dental refurbishment.

As I understand it, taking menaquinone-7 (Vit K2) is also effective in de-calcifying plaque. I take 2 Jarrow MK-7 capsules daily.

Brian C.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:48 am

The only downside to EDTA chelation that I know of (I've not heard of any cellular toxicity problems either) is in relationship to hypOthyroidism: if your parathyroids are not functioning you should take oral EDTA only with a Dr.s supervision, or get the injection treatment.

Actually, I don't believe for a second that Dr.s have super vision.

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Postby Brian C. » Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:10 pm

Brooks : "Actually, I don't believe for a second that Dr.s have super vision."

Except when wearing surgeons' loupes :wink:

Brian C.
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here's a mouthful

Postby adec » Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:51 am

Craig, Astaxanthin is the cartenoid [similar to beta carotene] that gives salmon and shrimp their red coloring. In itself astaxanthin is a very powerful anti-oxidant, 500 times more powerful than vitamin E without the toxicity. And unlike many other anti-oxidants, which can generate their own free radicals, astaxanthin binds free radicals within the actual cell membrane. This greatly reduces the amount of oxidized-LDL within the blood stream. As we now know, oxidized lipoprotein is more strongly associated with heart disease and blood clotting, than the mere LDL particle alone.

Astaxanthin can help to maintain a healthy lipid profile much more safely and effectively than statins. Not only does it lower oxidized-LDL and triglycerides, but it also raises HDL and increases overall particle size. One astaxanthin study showed HDL cholesterol increased from an average 42 mg/dL to 58mg/dL, after just thirty days, or a substantial 27.5% increase.

Astaxanthin also greatly increases overall particle size. Scientists have found those with the highest HDL and largest lipoprotein particle size live longest.

Biological evidence for inheritance of exceptional longevity
Gil Atzmona, Marielisa Rinconb, Pegah Rabizadeha and Nir Barzilaia
Mechanisms of Ageing and Development
Volume 126, Issue 2, February 2005, Pages 341-345
"Moreover, we demonstrated that subjects with exceptional longevity and
their offspring have significantly larger high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
levels and particle sizes and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels that
reflect on their health and cognitive function performance."

Unique Lipoprotein Phenotype and Genotype Associated With Exceptional
Nir Barzilai, MD; Gil Atzmon, PhD
JAMA. 2003;290:2030-2040.
"Conclusions: Individuals with exceptional longevity and their offspring
have significantly larger HDL and LDL particle sizes. This phenotype is
associated with a lower prevalence of hypertension, cardiovascular disease,
the metabolic syndrome, and increased homozygosity for the I405V variant in
CETP. These findings suggest that lipoprotein particle sizes are heritable
and promote a healthy aging phenotype."


Also, I assumed you were referring to oral EDTA, being as you mentioned supplementation. When given orally EDTA is poorly absorbed and remains in the digestive tract. This can then block essential nutrients from being absorbed over a continuing period. Even more dangerous is the potential for an increase in the absorption/distribution or cytotoxicity of certain metals, including lead and cadium.

Final report on the safety assessment of EDTA
Int J Toxicol. 2002;21 Suppl 2:95-142.
Lanigan RS, Yamarik TA.
"The typical concentration of use of EDTA is less than 2%, with the other
salts in current use at even lower concentrations. The lowest dose reported
to cause a toxic effect in animals was 750 mg/kg/day. These chelating agents
are cytotoxic and weakly genotoxic, but not carcinogenic. Oral exposures to
EDTA produced adverse reproductive and developmental effects in animals."

EDTA intreveniously is a tiny bit better in many regards, yet also expensive and probably unnecessary given the host of other options. Although, there are also several risks concerning EDTA infusions as well, including: abnormally low blood pressure or hypotension, low blood sugar, major organ failure and damage, seizures etc.

There's a lot of misinformation about chelation out there, both good and bad. So it definitely makes sense to become educated on the potential benefits and dangers. Overall, it's probably best to test for toxic metals before embarking on major chelation therapy.

Donating blood would certainly be an effective way to get heavy metals out of the blood. :) I also believe in IP6 as an inexpensive and safe chelator, especially when administered once every two weeks. Compounded over time these stronger chelators can become anti-nutrients, and increase the potential for anemia.

Along with Brian, I strongly believe in vitamin K2 (especially MK-7 or menaquinone-7) and also nattokinase. I have witnessed first-hand the profound anti-arteriosclerotic effects of these supplements first hand over a short period of two months. These two supplements should be the first line of defense for anyone suffering from diseased or blocked hearts and arteries.

Astaxanthin, vitamin d3 in gelcap form, vitamin K2, nattokinase... right there you have almost a perfect line of defense against cancer, heart disease, and strokes.

I hope this answers your questions. Anyway, the holidays have given me extra time to flesh out talking points and better attribute my position, which is always important, but not always possible.

I also wish everyone here a very happy and joyous Holiday Season, free of pain and disease. :)
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Postby uncle2blade » Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:45 am

adec, Thanks for all the information. This forum is great thanks to you and others that share so much information. God Bless, and Happy Hollidays,

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Postby cjbrooksjc » Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:08 am

adec: Very informative. Thank you. I assume the toxicity is due to EDTA absorbing the metals and then remaining in the gut? - otherwise, since EDTA is to capture these metals and then flush out of the system, this is a bit confusing for me, but then so much is, alas. Anyway, I tried EDTA orally and had no ill effects though I tried it for a week only; oddly, it seemed to help my visual color discrimination - not much else though. There are so many other options I would probably, since I'm confused about it anyway, avoid EDTA in the future. Have a peaceful and spirit-filled holiday.


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Postby Dee » Fri Dec 21, 2007 2:20 pm


Could you please expand on the following statement, and give the details of what you observed first hand?

"Along with Brian, I strongly believe in vitamin K2 (especially MK-7 or menaquinone-7) and also nattokinase. I have witnessed first-hand the profound anti-arteriosclerotic effects of these supplements first hand over a short period of two months. These two supplements should be the first line of defense for anyone suffering from diseased or blocked hearts and arteries."


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therpaies and fighting heart disease

Postby bunnylady » Sat Dec 22, 2007 2:40 pm

Never heard of nattokinase or astaxcathin- can these be bought off the internet

I have been detoxing myself with a foot detox- you put your feet in the water with a big unit sitting beside it- they turn it on and the magnetic fields ( or something) start your blood circulating- in 30 minutes the blood circulates once- the water turns an ugly color- the color denotes what toxins are coming out of your body- I sat next to a girl who had gallstones and the water turned green- her and her mom do this regulary as their doctor wanted them to have surgury- my water turned brown which denotes toxicity in the joints- I felt super good and energized the next day and you must drink plenty of water to flush the system- this costs $35 per session in Texas

I'm sure the chelation therapy is much stronger- think I'll try that too
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat Dec 22, 2007 2:52 pm

B: Re: Foot detox. That is a fascinating concept and completely new to me. Can you give me some more info on the process and what sort of practitioner is involved. If you would Email me with the detail? Stuff seeping out of your feet... it just boggles my mind!


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Postby adec » Wed Dec 26, 2007 8:52 am

[quote="Dee"]Could you please expand on the following statement, and give the details of what you observed first hand? [/quote]

The same day my mom started vitamin K2 MK-7 just happened to directly coincide with her getting a chest x-ray. I could clearly see plaque formation and calcification of her major arteries, perhaps 15-20 percent. The technician had even made such a remark.

Two months later a carotid Doppler and the artery was completely clear, a subsequent follow-up x-ray several months later confirmed completely clear aortic and iliac arteries. I actually kept both x-rays, being as a picture is worth a thousand words.
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Postby Dee » Wed Dec 26, 2007 12:53 pm


Thank you. That is very interesting and exactly the kind of evidence we need to confirm the benefits of certain supplements.

During the time spanning the various X-rays, was your Mom taking both K2-MK7 and nattokinase or just the K2-MK7?
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Re: therpaies and fighting heart disease

Postby SusieO » Wed Dec 26, 2007 8:24 pm

[quote="bunnylady"]Never heard of nattokinase or astaxcathin- can these be bought off the internet

I have been detoxing myself with a foot detox- you put your feet in the water with a big unit sitting beside it- they turn it on and the magnetic fields ( or something) start your blood circulating- in 30 minutes the blood circulates once- the water turns an ugly color- the color denotes what toxins are coming out of your body- I sat next to a girl who had gallstones and the water turned green- her and her mom do this regulary as their doctor wanted them to have surgury- my water turned brown which denotes toxicity in the joints- I felt super good and energized the next day and you must drink plenty of water to flush the system- this costs $35 per session in Texas

I'm sure the chelation therapy is much stronger- think I'll try that too[/quote]

Part of my Wellness healing is the detox foot bath that my chiropractor incorporates into his program. It is a wonderful thing!
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