What a perfect plot for a movie on statin memory loss

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What a perfect plot for a movie on statin memory loss

Postby SharonHope » Sat Nov 26, 2005 3:40 pm

Did anyone happen to see the article:

foxnews.com/printer_friendly_story/0,3566,176769,00.html Los Angeles hospitals admit they dump patients on LA's Skid Row, supposedly for humane reasons, as that is where the charity missions are.

Can you imagine the number of statin cognitively disabled persons who have lost, in addition to their short--term memory, their jobs and therefore their insurance, who may have been dumped this way?

What a plot for a movie. Wish I knew someone who could get it made. Maybe Harrison Ford, or Mel Gibson, wandering around Skid Row, unable to speak effectively (aphasia), in great muscle pain, and unable to recall how they got there or why. Declared 'incoherent' and destitute, they slowly recover (due to no more statin prescriptions) while suffering the dangers and indignities of Skid Row, and then bring attention to the dangers of statins.
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