by harley2ride » Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:34 pm
[quote="Dee"]I believe there would be a figure included, or "deal" within the suit to award future medical costs as part of any settlement. That seems pretty standard.
Then you would have loss of income, pain and suffering, emotional distress, damages to a spouse, etc.
The legal fees would be an interesting addition. In a civil case, I think legal fees "can" be awarded to the prevailing party. Doesn't mean they "have" to be.
I did read about an employment case. The award was $125,000 in actual and punitive damages. After the legal fees and taxes to Uncle Sam, the victim ended up with $27,000.[/quote]
Even a measly sum of $27,000.00 would at least help erase a small portion of my negative $60,000.00 and growing. Just the recognition that they are wrong, that they lied, and to maybe stop them from harming others would be enough for me.