Statin-induced Lupus/Auto Immune Disorder? Abnormal ANA

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Statin-induced Lupus/Auto Immune Disorder? Abnormal ANA

Postby jazzbird925 » Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:09 pm

As previously mentioned, I developed severe muscle aches and limited mobility in both shoulders and arms while on short-term use (5-6 weeks) of statins. I stopped taking Pravastatin more than 4 weeks ago but continue to have severe problems. Just about everything I do is painful and limited and sleeping is extremely problematic.

My cardiologist ordered bloodwork and all came back normal with the exception of an elevated ANA - 1:160. He referred me to a rheumatologist for further evaluation and to determine if I have Lupus, a connective tissue disorder etc.

I still maintain this is statin-induced since none of these problems existed prior to using the statin this past fall. Needless to say, this newest development is's just one thing after another.

There is a drug-induced Lupus documented on the web..........Any input will be appreciated. Thank you in advance for any responses.
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Postby Darrell » Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:03 pm

Go here:
Then enter "lupus statin" in the search box and read abstract number 12. You are not alone.
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Postby Darrell » Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:07 pm

It will shift down from number 12 as time goes on. The title is "Lupus erythematosus and other autoimmune diseases related to statin therapy: a systematic review."
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Statin-induced Lupus/Auto Immune Disorder? Abnormal ANA

Postby jazzbird925 » Fri Apr 04, 2008 9:03 pm

Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease diagnosis received this morning from Johns Hopkins rheumatologist. My ANA is positive and the anticardiolipin is 47 (below 7 is normal). Devastating to say the least. Follow up is scheduled for next Wednesday. No one will verify the relationship to statin usage despite the fact that ALL of my symptoms began early into statin therapy. I'm wondering if in fact I have bilateral frozen shoulders, or if it is the UCTD and if so, will my physical therapy change.........hopefully, the UCTD will not progress to a definitive connective tissue disease like Lupus or RA.
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Postby Darrell » Sat Apr 05, 2008 10:45 am

You've used the word "devastating" twice in this thread in regard to ypur diagnoses. I suggest that, as much as possible, you remind yourself that diagnoses are just labels and the truth is that the labelers are not making the statin connection (that you know is there) and they are using words like "undifferentiated" which simply mean they don't know much. What really counts is not their questionable labels but their management of your symptoms. Try whatever treatments may make some sense, but don't let the doctors get you down with their labels. If the doctors are not offering therapies, they're not worth the copayments and certainly not worth the frustration.

As for any "progression", try to cross that bridge when and if you come to it -- not now. Truth be known, I'd trade my statin damage for RA any day. My wife has RA. It's no picnic, but there are good treatments available for RA and the progression is predictable and largely haltable with treatments like Remicade, Humira, etc.

Hang in there.
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Postby Darrell » Sat Apr 05, 2008 3:34 pm

I posted that with some trepidation about how my wife might feel about it, but it turns out from our discussion that she'd rather have RA than statin damage too.
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Postby pnisthepits » Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:02 pm

I definitely think I have a auto immune disease from zocor...I have been off of it for 6 years now...have every symptom of systemic sclerosis , lupus, thyroid disease...all of these have similar symptoms...symptoms come and ana was abnormal at times...normal at others...I have been to more speciialists than you can count because of various symptoms...digestive system, lungs, heart, nerve..the list goes on...this wed. I go to a immunologist...hopefully he will order the right tests...I know zocor damaged my immune and nervous system...periferal neuripathy and vasculis are results too....What a fine kettle of fish zocor got me into and to think my total chol was 243 ..didn't need the first place..triglycerides have been my problem..but cut sugar out of my diet and added fish oil and they became normal in 6 mos.
It is like the prilosec...drug reps load the dr's offices with that too and tell you to take it everyday...on the box it says do not take longer than 14 days....who to believe?....
My old 97 yr old neighbor wouldn't take any pills...she said if the doctor doesn't kill you...the pills he orders will.....amen to that.....(smart lady)
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:51 pm

Pnisthepits: Believe it or not, we all feel your pain as well as our own. None of us know the real damage our body sustains using statin drugs. All we must do is keep on keeping on until the truth comes out. Some of us will pass on prior to the truth winning out, but we have no other choice. Hang in there with the rest of us.
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Sun May 11, 2008 12:03 am

pnisthepits, I have been searching 2 other forms of sclerosis that I know I have one and highly suspect the other. I came here to see if anyone has mentioned auto immune problems on here in conncection with statin drugs. The one form of it that I have and am being treated for, if I remember right, is because of low or depleted tostosteron and Dr. Golomb's video on You Tube mentions statins do that.

Does this ever end? I have been off of statins 22 months now and have had these problems for a year or more but just now connecting them both to statins. That is my beef with the statins.. We will never know if this is a natural process of aging or statin induced. I have never had so many problems in my life as I have had since statin drugs came into it!
Cat Mom2
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