US medical compensation....

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US medical compensation....

Postby Brian C. » Wed Mar 05, 2008 7:06 am

Forget about it.


Quote from the short article's conclusion :

"This worries public health experts because recent reports from the Government Accountability Office, the Institute of Medicine and some of the FDA's own advisers have concluded that the FDA lacks the staff and funding to properly oversee patient safety. When the FDA fails, say experts, legal action is needed to protect patients. Some members of Congress have vowed to reverse the court decision, but the problem could get worse first as the ruling may be extended later this year to include cases involving drug manufacturers."

Only hope lies in the "may".

Brian C.
Posts: 683
Joined: Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:00 am
Location: Ongar, UK

Postby Cat Mom2 » Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:45 am

The FDA approved their product based on the information THEY provided and we know how THEY tamper with the results of THEIR tests on the products. THEY should be held responsiable. What kind of defense is claiming the FDA approved it anyway? NO DEFENSE in my book! If I had been the judge and they used that defense, I would have had to bust out laughing and asked if they were kidding! :roll:

And to not hold big parma responsiable for the damage of their drugs? GOD ALMIGHTY! Nobody will be safe, they will have no motivation to keep them even close to safe and will be dishing out plain poison before you know it.
Cat Mom2
Posts: 250
Joined: Wed Dec 20, 2006 4:18 pm

Postby Brian C. » Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:54 pm

Money talks and Big Money talks loudest :(

It's an uncomfortable fact that corporate interests override that of the citizenry.

Brian C.
Posts: 683
Joined: Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:00 am
Location: Ongar, UK

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