:( Please educate me as to others who are experiencing polyneuropathy as a result of Vytorin. I have been on Vytorin for several years. I experience burning, excruciating pain upon any exertion or elevation in temp. such as shower. I've expended mega $$$$ and wasted much time with no successful treatment and no correct diagnosis. Finally, this week, 3/7/08 a second-opinion, well respected allergist, suspected Vytorin as the cause. When vague symptoms appeared 3 years ago I researched that as a casue myself but got no result. Now I checked again and here I am. No doctor has suggested this as a source before and I may have continued to function as a toxic waste dump. Please, any information, guidance would be greatly appreciated, I am DESPERATE, I am DEBILITATED, and I can't continue like this.
Thanks so much, Equestrian