The letter below was my first contact with the doctor and describes my experience and problems I have that I pretty much blame on cholesterol drugs.Getting my G.P. and cardiologist to agree is like asking them to sit in an electric chair for a few minutes.My fatigue,unexplained muscle pain and the like seem to get a bit worse every year. I'm basically told I'm either depressed,suffering from anxiety(who wouldn't from feeling this way) or just stressed out. I'm seeing an endocrinologist in a week because I'm getting nothing from anyone else.
I read with extreme interest your articles regarding the use of statin drugs. I had a heart attack at the age of 44(I'm now 55),was in good shape,played sports but occasionally smoked. Turned out my cholesterol level was 388 and sure enough along came statins. I was put on Pravachol which didn't do enough,then Lipitor. Had better success with that but a couple years ago my then doctor said my liver enzymes were up slightly but he wasn't concerned. I was. My cardiologist switched me to Crestor, 20mg,along with 10mg of Zetia and this combo has dramatically lowered my numbers.ldl of 79, hdl of 45 and total of 137. Triglycerides are 98.
This is all great except for the fact I have never been the same person since starting these drugs. I get pain and fatigue for no apparent reason, energy level is way down and I just feel lousy most of the time. I was also put on 50mg of Lopressor after the heart attack as a "maintenance procedure" but never had and still don't have high blood pressure(110/70).This drug caused me to faint and produced anxiety symptoms. Stopped taking it 8 yrs ago.
My doctors blame all this on anxiety and depression and refuse to acknowledge that the drugs I take are contributing to this. I've tried to tell them that I get feeling bad and then anxious, not the other way around but they don't listen. I'm 5'7'', 145lbs, still look good for my age but have a poor quality of life in general. Had to quit my job last year due to this and will have a difficult time getting back to work since there are days that I just can't function from feeling this way.
I'm between a rock and a hard place since I don't know of anything else that can keep my cholesterol levels this low because it seems that if I don't take them I won't last real long. Its my belief that these drugs are slowly killing me.
Sorry to be so long in my letter but that's the story in a nutshell.