Quite bluntly...I am mad...
blood work in may of 2007..
total 241
Tri 45
HDL 61
LDL 171
Starting in March of 2008, I took Activ super shots (2 gm of plant sterols) ($3.00 for 4 at Walmart) used Promise Activ (1 gm per serving)(4.50 for 8 oz) Minute Maid OJ enhanced...(1 gm per 8 oz glass & 3.49 for 1/2 gal) Made sure to get at least 2 gm per day...
new tests as of 7/10/08
total 257
Tri 108
HDL 62 (whoopie it went up one)
LDL 173
The Doc pretty much knows I'm not going to take the statins...she suggested red rice yeast???
I asked her if I should keep on with the plant sterols..she said why bother
51 years old..female...non smoker...not over weight...normal BP....go to the gym 4 times a week...
So...if anyone has any ideas of alternatives, i'd appreciate them..
ticked off in MI