by adec » Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:12 pm
At best statins, such as Lipitor, are weak anti-inflammatories; at worst they are catastrophic agents of mitochondrial dysfunction -- and overall oxidative damage. I speak from experience, being as my perfectly healthy mom was unneccessarily prescribed a statin drug and subsequently almost died as a result.
Especially the DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) found in Omega-3 oils could help inhibit the progression of atherosclerosis (arterial hardening,) decrease blood viscosity, and assist as a general mood elevator. Instead of aspirin, grape seed extract has been deemed a more safe and effective way to inhibit blood platlet clotting.
You could try amino acids l-lysine and l-proline along with your vitamin C supplementation for general coronary artery disease, as recommended by Dr. Linus Pauling. In combination these three assist the collagen formation necessary for heathy blood vessels, among many other vital organs and structures. I especially like vitamin K2 (as MK-7 or Menaquinone-7) and vitamin D3 (gelcap 2000-4000IU daily) for general arterial calcification. Vitamin D3 and K2 are primarily responsible for regulating calcium metabolism... just as magnesium regulates all smooth vascular muscle cell function, relaxation, energy, and growth.
To literally dissolve blood clots, and reduce inflammation far better than any statin: enteric coated nattokinase/serrapeptase/lumbrokinase or nattozimes/serrazimes are lifesavers. Their greatest role are as a PAI-1 or (plasminogen activation inhibitor-1)... likely the most exacting biomarker currently available of arterial health and inflammation, even more so than C-Reactive protein.
We've pretty much covered everything. You can find all of these supplements online at Follow these simple suggestions, and over the next few months, your next ultrasound (and even blood pressure test) might likely show a profound difference. Although, as with any fibrinolytics (including nattokinase and serrapeptase) caution must always be exercised in combination with other medications, but especially any agent acting as a blood thinner. However when used in moderation these supplements are still far safer and more effective than the medication warfarin (coumadin,) basically rat poison when used in ultra-high doses. For starters, coumadin remains active in the body for days vs. hours for nattokinase.
Just remember, the right dose differentiates a poison for just about any prescription pharmaceutical and/or OTC drugs and supplements. And if you must trust also verify, including any statement made here by me.
Good luck.