by cjbrooksjc » Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:59 pm
SDK: I took statins for 5 - 6 years and quit the very day I found out they were likely causing all my physical problems. Others back off over a few days or a week; the choice is yours. I strongly suggest you also start CoQ10 supplementation at least and perhaps Acetyl L-Carnitine as well. Statins depress the body's ability to produce Heme-a, Dolichols, and CoQ10; all necessary to life.
Pain is common in elbows, wrists, knees, ankles, and hips along with cramping (long term) in the back, calves, hands, stomach and ribs (I also had sores on the sides of my tongue).
One year is not such a long time to be on this poison particularly if the dosage is low, but the way Statins affect people differs radically person to person. I have improved but am not the man I was pre-statins. I hope you recover completely. Welcome to the forum.