wanted to know the truth what is going with me PLEASE HELP

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

wanted to know the truth what is going with me PLEASE HELP

Postby telxpert » Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:20 pm

My name is Joe Baro reside in Henderson Nevada. I will recollect what about to say with my unfortunate experience with a doctor and doctors. The first doctors who prescribe VYTORIN 10/20 [/b]did not tell me any side effects of this drug. Doctor has said to me he got a magic pill will take care of my two problems and that is high blood pressure and cholesterol. I took the drug ones a day before going to bed and the first three months I notice side effects of mussel pain all over my body. In two months, I believe that I went back because felling that am catching a cold. I did not see the doctor at this time but PA in his office has seen me. Came back a month later to see the doctor about that I believe the side effects of Vytorin. He the doctor said to me according to my blood test that this drug VYTORIN really like me because of the report of my blood test. I insisted that there is something wrong that my whole body hurts specially my mussel and bones. The doctor said to me he does not want to hear it and I should go to my pain management. I have a history getting hurt at work and going to a pain management doctor. He told me to keep taking the VYTORIN and every time I see this doctor has ignored my complaints. After taking this drug for seven to eight months my pain is indescribable, both of my legs swelled up with hematoma, and my vain become so fat. I went to my pain management doctor he order me to stop taking VYTORIN and order a blood test. Also at this time, both of my eyes are shelling very dry. My skin all over my body where also very dry and painful to touch especially my legs and feet. My management doctor test came back that my CPK is 210. The doctor who prescribe me the VYTORIN ask me to come for a visit after he find this out. This doctor did not do anything or tell me to stop taking VYTORIN but said go back to your pain management. That is the last time I seen this doctor. This can be weird to anybody that after a week have past this doctor and his office staff start driving by my house. I walk my dog and a very heavy tinted car will fallow when am walking. After that it, happen, repeatedly and I start fallowing this cars and it went to this doctor office. Know am being fallowed or intermediated.

After all this, I wanted to see other doctors in my area and I experience being blackball who ever doctor I see. Now a year later I have not seen or treated by any doctors except my pain management. I ask for MRI or mussel test or any test that can help me and to this day doctors are not cooperating with me and making sure that I understand that they do not want me around.

If anybody out there can help please do, because I continue to suffer with the side effects and[color=red] wanted to know the truth what is going with me[/color]. Please HELP.

Joe Baro
2855 Belleza LN
Henderson, NV 89074
Posts: 48
Joined: Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:17 pm

Postby Allen1 » Thu Sep 25, 2008 4:55 am

Hi there Joe,

it sounds to me like the doctor is trying his hardest to deter you from proving you were right about your symptoms and concerns. If you were to prove that you were right then he would probably expect a lawyer to pursue him and his followers for negligence especially as you had voiced your concerns so often about your suspicions.

If you have any relatives in another state or county, could you visit one of them and maybe see one of their doctors to find out what to do next. You shouldn't be put in the situation where a vehicle is following you around wherever you go, that could also be something like an insurance company or a private investigator keeping tabs on how you are coping, but as you say whoever it is they are reporting back to your doctor.

The doctors here in the UK are still in the dark when it comes to what statins are capable of doing to a human being, but they would on the whole look into the symptoms at least, your doctor has by what you have mentioned completely dismissed all of your concerns and it looks like he is a very worried individual to take the actions of having you followed.

The police force, Insurance companies, department of work and pensions and even the local council, also follow individuals who they think are making false claims be it health or anything else here in the UK.

Don't let the doctor get you down, Do look to seeing a doctor who is out of your area and know that what is happening to you is so very wrong but at least you will also know that many other people are now aware of what is going on where you live and that it is available for all to see on this very site should you need to have proof that you asked for advice.

Take care my friend and try to see someone away from where you live.
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Postby Biologist » Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:37 pm

I think all of us can sympothize with you. When a doctor screws up, he wants the mistake buried and out of sight. He sure has no interest in reporting it even to his partner in the next office, let alone to the FDA. Other doctors are not eager to take on another doctor's mistakes. They don't want to know about it and certainly not "publicly know about it" such as would be the case if they took on that new patient. They don't want to be in a position to have to comment on another doctor for professional, social and legal reasons. Doctors are known to look out for each other to the detriment of patients. And this is particularly the case when most doctors are doing the exact same type of treatment to some of their own patients. Many are playing Russian Roulette with their own patients' health. However, to my knowledge, no doctor has ever been successfully sued for statin abuse. That will likely change in the future.

Getting "blackballed" for making noise is a concern. I have given it some thought myself. However, I know several doctors, and know OF several more, who say the whole thing is going to blow up. Dr. Sinatra is one.

Here is what he wrote in 2007 on page 81 of his book, "Reverse Heart Disease Now":

"We see a big problem brewing because of the common practice of prescribing statins to healthy individuals with no history or evidence of arterial disease. In our opinion, doctors who prescribe these drugs for high cholesterol levels alone, in the absence of previous coronary disease, diabetes, or high CRP, do not practice good medicine. The overuse of these potent pharmacological agents with known and unknown side effects as a long-term strategy in otherwise healthy people is risky business and simply not justified. Long-term risk assessments are not kinown.

As practiciing cardiologists, we can presonally attest ot numerous side effects that go beyond what is generally reported. We have heard a lot of colleagues say that the muscle pain you hear about just doesn't exist. Our response: either they don't see enough patients or they don't ask the right questions. ONE-THIRD [my caps] of the patients we see can't take statin medications."

BTW, ONE THIRD is 33%. Many of us are part of the remaining 17% that find out about statin side effects after years of use, when it is too late for full recovery. Truth be told, I would estimate another 25% can likely be added to that list to bring the real total closer to 75%, they just don't know it yet. Some of them never will.

From the next page:

"Statins predispose you to heart failure..."

As I have said, I think he may sure be right about that. Heart failure is on the rise. He believes statins may be behind it. Statins steal your energy and that lowers the quality of your life, but your heart is an organ that absolutely needs it.

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Maybe am not making sense I believe now changes me forever

Postby telxpert » Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:38 am

I thank you Allen1 and biologist for your comments and support. It is very hard to believe that this reaction on a drug called VYTORIN will bring the ugliest truth about whom we called professional doctor. I cannot believe that am that ignorant with doctors I trusted with my life can act so relating to or resembling a demon, especially in wickedness. Doctors do not care and I cannot believe that I will say this words. The pharmaceuticals companies that are making $$$$ Billions with this product also do not care using as for genie pig. Our economy is in shambles because of greed for money that can be made so that others will suffer. My age that opens my eyes took me 58 years to realize that greed is a very dangerous word. Maybe am not making sense but what I believe now changes me forever.

I tried to ask other doctors for help, just to be humiliated and branded that something wrong with my mind. I have been seen by NEW and OLD doctors with bias, harassment, discrimination, intimidations if I mention Vytorin side effects. To this date, no one in the doctor community tried to diagnose me and instead they insult me. I have severe muscle pain for sometime now and I need help. I am a catholic that believe in God. Without this believes, I provable shoot my self in the head to escape the chronic severe pain. Please help me and am welling to go on your program to talk about the ugly side my experience when doctor hurt you all doctors will not help you.

Respectfully yours,
Joe Baro
Posts: 48
Joined: Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:17 pm

Maybe am not making sense I believe now changes me forever

Postby telxpert » Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:42 am

I thank you Allen1 and biologist for your comments and support. It is very hard to believe that this reaction on a drug called VYTORIN will bring the ugliest truth about whom we called professional doctor. I cannot believe that am that ignorant with doctors I trusted with my life can act so relating to or resembling a demon, especially in wickedness. Doctors do not care and I cannot believe that I will say this words. The pharmaceuticals companies that are making $$$$ Billions with this product also do not care using as for genie pig. Our economy is in shambles because of greed for money that can be made so that others will suffer. My age that opens my eyes took me 58 years to realize that greed is a very dangerous word. Maybe am not making sense but what I believe now changes me forever.

I tried to ask other doctors for help, just to be humiliated and branded that something wrong with my mind. I have been seen by NEW and OLD doctors with bias, harassment, discrimination, intimidations if I mention Vytorin side effects. To this date, no one in the doctor community tried to diagnose me and instead they insult me. I have severe muscle pain for sometime now and I need help. I am a catholic that believe in God. Without this believes, I provable shoot my self in the head to escape the chronic severe pain. Please help me and am welling to go on your program to talk about the ugly side my experience when doctor hurt you all doctors will not help you.
Posts: 48
Joined: Wed Aug 22, 2007 9:17 pm

Postby Allen1 » Fri Sep 26, 2008 5:00 pm

Hi there telxpert,

doctors have treated most of us in a similar manner making us feel like we are imagining our symptoms and not believing that this medication is capable of doing any harm whatsoever. However most of those doctors have been made aware of the problems by people like you and me and every sufferer that has realised what has caused their problems, but a lot of them still think we are hypochondriacs and that the beloved statins can do no harm.
Thankfully we have found the answers to many of our questions on sites like this one and many others.

Statins can and do effect your thinking processes as I know first hand with brain fog, mood swings sleep disturbances, fatigue etc and the effects and problems just keep going on. You are very much aware of the muscle problems and I would advise you to look up some of Ray Holders posts about L-Carnitine and Co Enzyme Q10 which does help quite a lot with muscle pain and stamina and even helps me to think clearer for short spells.

I believe that your doctors are both arrogant and ignorant and with the amount of information that is available to read on the subject they really should be ashamed of their total lack of knowledge on such a highly questionable medication such as this.

A lot of our doctors are still doubters but they have been made aware of the problems so can no longer say they didn't know about them and in my experiance they do treat you with a bit more respect or maybe caution when it comes to any more medication.

All the best,

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Postby Brian C. » Sat Sep 27, 2008 12:54 am

My doctors, GP and endocrinologist, are good people but I no longer trust them - or any other doctors - for treatment of chronic conditions. Orthodox medicine is marketing-based, not science-based as they wish (need) to believe. This is a symptom of a broader, deeper malaise in our Western society (greed worship).

telxpert, you have joined us here in what I see as a College of fellow sufferers and seekers who are taking full responsibility for our health. We are learning all the time through knowledge and experience which we freely share.

We have all experienced the shock followed by disgust on discovering the truth about statins, that clinically they are incapacitating agents (poisons) by the very nature of their action (http://www.talkingstatins.com/page14/page13/files/page13_1.png).

Be encouraged that you are now well placed to learn how to move forward.

Welcome :)

Brian C.
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:13 pm

Telxpert, the reason doctors are ignorant of statin complications is because if you are taking a statin and you have minor pain in your legs, etc. they do not report it to the FDA. That is the reason why doctors say statin drugs are gods gift to their patients. Most doctors believe that if one statin drug does not work try another statin drug, stupid!!

The solution is for everyone of affected patients to report it to the FDA. It is not easy, but unless we do, others will suffer for our negligence.

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