Hi there BSGfan,
don't get yourself too concerned with any possible additional problems during surgery being caused from your statin experiences. From what you have already experienced in the past, the operation would probably be a walk in the park by comparison.
You are right to completely brief your physicians of your circumstances and concerns and they will look out for any problems and will know how to deal with them IF any problem occurred.
More than likely any problem from statins would be a slower recovery, but after 2 years since stopping them, that may no longer be a problem. The other more serious thing would be having cramps, especially if they made you jerk etc while you are still healing after the operation. I know that eating bananas helped me for cramps, so maybe a good idea to get a supply in just to be safe until you heal (or something along those lines).
Operations are frightening enough without worrying about other things, as I mentioned you are right to inform your doctors about any concerns, but don't let them become such a worry that you end up getting stressed about (easier said than done though).
I am also going under general anaesthetic on Sunday the 7th next month for a nose job. Hopefully this will cure the problem with often being unable to breath through my right nostril and swallowing problems which may be caused by the nose problem (bilateral nasal obstruction) add that to sleep apnoea and it gets a bit rough.
The way to look at our situation is to think about what we have already endured and realise that we got through all that, so this really can't be any worse than putting up with the problems that we have here and now, especially when those problems like gall stones are likely to get worse as time goes by.
Take care and don't worry too much ok,
Sorry if it is a bit long winded but that's me all over