I wondered if some of you with scientific backgrounds could answer a question for me......just give me your thoughts, please.
I just had my cholesterol checked again. The total was 279. Good cholesterol okay. Bad cholesterol was 20 points above the mythical cut off point. Triglycerides were normal. Now, I know it has been said that statins do not help women but if my memory serves me right, I was about 279 total in the early 90's when first placed on statins. I have been off statins since Feb 08 and my number continues to be about the same. Wouldn't it suggest that total 279 is just where my body functions? I have no risk factors that I have been made aware of for cardiac issues.
I will spare you the rhetoric that transpired with the dr's assistant when she called to give me the report. However, she said I must repeat the test again in 3 months even though I told her I was not taking and did not intend to take statins again.
Thanks, Valgators