understanding your doctors reluctance to believe etc.

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

understanding your doctors reluctance to believe etc.

Postby David Staup » Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:50 pm

reading the following has helped me tremendusly in trying to understand the hows and whys this has happened to me and why most doctors will have none of it.

David Hume: mitigated skeptacism or the academical philosophy

Antoine Lavoisier: preface to Elemants of chemistry

John Locke: book1 chapter1and 2 of "concerning human understanding"

and for understanding some of my actions before I understood what had happened to me:

Thomas Aquinas in his "Treatise on Human Acts" I came to understand some of my reactions.

understanding what was going on around me has always been important to me and these great works from the past have led me to understanding and accepting much of this and allowed me some piece of mind. They may be helpful to many of you as well.
David Staup
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:48 pm

I am sorry, but there is no reading material that will eliminate the pain in my legs. Any stress on my leg muscles hurts like hell. I have been in pain for three years after stop taking Lovastatin. The supplements I take do not help.
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Postby David Staup » Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:07 pm

you misread what I posted..I did not claim any help
just understanding how this could come to pass... I truly wish I had come across a mirical cure but don't think it exists
for me understanding how this evil could get started by evil people and be perpetuated by seemingly honorable people gives me some piece of mind and mitagates the hate which was eating me up.
it also gave me a way to approach my new pcp who now understands that he was duped and has helped me find ways to live with what has happened to me.
your reply indicates to me that you still need to work out your hate and I am sorry for you

freedom without honor leads only to abuse
David Staup
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:57 pm

David: I understqnd the need to be a bit ZEN in our approach to this 'illness'. BTW: my family and I are in Colleyville, just to your north. If you would like, I'd be happy to have coffee or lunch with you to share local Medical Practice discoveries (if any), marshal our defenses, or just commiserate and empathize (NO SNIVELING, I PROMISE). No pressure either. If you're interested email me.

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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Sun Mar 29, 2009 12:24 pm

David, in one of the post on this site you were called a bit ZEN, but I do not think , Alan Watts , would agree. I had a hippie brother-in-law whose vocabulary consisted of two words, namely, PEACE and HATE. If you did not agree with him you hated him and all the flower children in American.
To be honest, when I saw your profile location of Arlington, Texas I was hoping you might be a redneck. I apologize for that assumption.

P.S. Most of us on this website know why doctors don't speak up. If they did the drug companies would destroy them. My doctor, who put me on Lovastatin told me as much and I respect him for that and he is still my doctor. My doctor told that he was not going to report my statin drug side effects because his life would be hell and his career as a medical professional could end.
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Postby David Staup » Sun Mar 29, 2009 12:55 pm

actually the writings of locke cover exactly that of which you speak.
in my opinion those who would not speak out on this at least when reffering you to others do not understand honor and deserve neither my money nor my respect.
my doctor told me the same thing and when I continued through him to other referals I was ignored and misdiagnosed which resulted in the need for two surgeries. I then found a more honorable doctor who directed me to others who have listened and helped.

There may not be any who will take on the drug companies, but there are those who will help. find them and you are much better off.

David Staup
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:59 pm

David, unfortunately, Locke never took a statin drug and in todays real world very few know anything about honor. It sounds like you have gone through more Hell than me, but you say there are others who can help. Who the Hell are they? Once a statin drug has damaged the mitochrondial pathway, todate, there is no return to normalize
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Postby David Staup » Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:26 pm


Help doesn't necessarily mean cure. help can come in the form of recognising what your symptoms mean and learning how to minumize the effects-- in my case learning what my limits are and how to lead a fuller life within them. It can also be just and honost listener and sympathetic word or two.

You make my point exactly when you say there is very little honor in todays world...locke helped me to understand that and why..

I think I should quit posting here-- so many of you want to hold on to your futile and all consumming hate. what has helped me seems to enrage so many here I'm obviously not helping.


David Staup
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statin drugs

Postby gotts1936 » Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:00 pm

David, I do not want you to stop posting, but this hang up you seem have with hate leaves me confused. What has hate got to do with the pain I am suffering? Are you saying we should live with the pain we are all suffering and say it is God's will? We want to understand you. Please explain.
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Postby David Staup » Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:20 pm

no rick I saying that since there is no cure you should loose the hangup you seem to have about accepting it and learning to deal with it. as I see it that is my only option and letting go of everything else including the hate and rage I felt was the first step. It allowed me to think more clearly about the facts.
bye the way I don't understand the red neck reference
and if you think obama is honorable and going to stop the drug companies woo boy you really need to read locke - obama may lower the pay of execs but socialized medicine is only likely to allow them to force people to take statins--they are considering just that in england right now.. did you know that the american society of piedieatricians has recommended that statins be perscribed to children as young as 8 on nothing more than thier parents cholesterol levels--I fear for my grandchildren and obama and his elk are the main reason..

If you want to continue this ah discussion lets take it off the forum

David Staup
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