Hi there David,
that's quite a lot of reading, I am unable to take it all in at the moment but I have noticed that a five lines are repeated and have added them for deletion ok, I am always doing that sort of thing myself. There are also smilies appearing in the references ie

where the number 8 is followed by an ). I think you would need to use the disable smilies option to prevent that, if it is anything like the other text options here, then it probably doesn't work either :-
Below are some of the comments by doctors, as reported by patients in this study.4
Adverse effect attributed to age (11 doctors).
Just normal aging process. ----------------------------------------
Can expect some problems at your age.-------------------------
Well, you're no youngster. ----------------------------------------
No way, you're just getting old. ----------------------------------
Dismissed importance of symptoms (69 doctors). ------------
Just normal aging process. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Can expect some problems at your age. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Well, you're no youngster. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
No way, you're just getting old. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dismissed importance of symptoms (69 doctors). xxxxxxxx
Doctor said would have to live with side effects and did not seem to care.
Ignored complaints about side effects.
Doctor shrugged and said some people just live with it, then laughed.
Did not seem to be concerned with side effects.
Didn't take seriously.
All the best,