apple cider vinegar and atherosclorosis

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

apple cider vinegar and atherosclorosis

Postby David Staup » Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:03 am

While talking with someone about statins and heart health he happened to mention apple cider vinegar ... this did not register with me at the time but then while reading dr. graveline's article on chelation and heart desease he mentions how close the liquid used in chelation is to vinegar I made the connection... if you google apple cider vinegar and atherosclorosis you find that it is believed to reverse the buildup of plaque. I have a buildup that causes a wooshing noise that I sometimes hearand am going to start on the vinegar and see what happens... anyone have any experience with this???
David Staup
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Location: granbury, texas

Postby Allen1 » Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:06 am

I used apple cider vinegar and water to help with indigestion problems and it works, ordinary real vinegar and water does too and then there is Bicarbonate of soda mixed with a little water. What I have used is off the shelf stuff and has no relation to the original question but could save a bit of time for anyone who answers and has tried it for the intended purpose of the original question.

From the site below is some information that I was unaware of:-

Is Natural Apple Cider Vinegar Good?

07.04.2009 | Author: articles | Posted in Health And Fitness

The real apple cider vinegar deal is not those clear vinegar that are found in most of the stores. If you want the powerful detox benefits, then get the natural apple cider vinegar with a brownish tinge to it and floating inside. Different from the refined and distilled vinegars usually found in supermarkets.Real apple cider vinegar with detox capability is naturally fermented from fresh, wholesome, and organically grown apples. When mature, it contains a web-like substance, called ‘mother’, which becomes visible when the rich brownish liquid is held to the light. Only when fresh, organic apples are used to make the apple cider vinegar, you can get the benefit from its life stimulating enzymes and minerals. Avoid distilled or treated one as such apple cider vinegar health benefits are greatly reduced.

The Mother is the dark, cloudy substance in the apple cider vinegar that formed from naturally ocurring pectin and apple residues and it appears as molecules of protein connected in strand-like chains.Natural Vinegars with the Mother contain enzymes and minerals that other vinegars may not have due to over-processing, filtration and overheating. Mother of vinegar is believed to have antibacterial and antifungal properties.It is the best part of apple cider vinegar.

Must apple cider vinegar be pasteurized? Apple cider vinegar should not be pasteurized as pasteurization would eliminate the ‘mother of vinegar’ and also remove delicate nutrients and enzymes that may constitute a major portion of the food value of that consumable. Therefore, only drink organic apple cider vinegar that is neither pasteurized (heated) nor filtered to ensure the enzymes and nutrients from the apple carry through to the cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar does not need to be refrigerated but it is recommended that you keep the drinks away from direct sunlight and in a cool location. It is also recommended that you take apple cider vinegar together with water or juice as consuming it direct will cause discomfort to the stomach.

There are a lot of us here at the forum, so I would reckon that there has to be someone who at least knows of someone else that has used Cider vinegar for some health issues in the past or present.

Good topic David and it may indeed be beneficial :-)
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Postby David Staup » Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:21 pm


I too have used Bicarbonate of soda and water for well for me..

I was told about chelation therapy years ago by a nurse at an account I was visiting but never got a good responce from any doctor....

I meant to ask my new pcp who has come around with the info on statins I have provided but forgot...Like that never happens ;-).

anyway I picked up some Bragg's organic apple cider vinegar with the "mother" as soon as I found this website:


I have been mixing it 1/8 cup in 32 oz orange gator aid with a tablespoon of sweetner for a couple of days now it actually tastes better than the original gator aid....

I'll keep you all posted on any progress with the chelation effects

David Staup
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Location: granbury, texas

Postby Allen1 » Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:59 am

Hi there David,
there certainly seems to be a lot going for vinegar and many other more basic items such as herbs and even common weeds. A lot of good natural types of "medicine" has been played down by the big pharmaceuticals and a lot of what was commonly known about a natural remedy is now forgotten as most people were believers of the hype we were all fed and went down that road.

Remember to take the vinegar in moderation, although there is no mention of the maximum amount allowable, overdoing any substance is not a good thing and I would expect in this case cause digestive problems in long term everyday use.

All the best,
Allen :-)
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Postby Allen1 » Thu May 14, 2009 3:03 am

Hi there David,

I just read your update and it is good to see things are still going well and thanks for keeping us informed of your progress.

Looking back, if we all kept an account of our ups and downs and what helped at the time or what did not etc, we may have come just that bit closer to having more good days, unfortunately I was and often still am too scatterbrained to put things in any sort of order. Thankfully there are folks who remembered about L-Carnitine and Q10 and the other supplements which do help with the problems. This little community has some great folk who spend a lot of their time researching information to try to find some answers to help us all and that in itself is pretty special.

All the best,
Allen :)
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Postby David Staup » Thu May 14, 2009 8:14 am

Thanks Allen and I think you're right about keeping each other updated on what works might be worth a thread of it's own.
I cannot make much sense of most of my symptoms because it's just too complicated and I forget too much of what I'm doing so miss much cause and effect. this past month I've had to do too much, have tried adjusting my suppliments to compensate but cannot tell if it does any good and it's so expensive. I'd be happy if I could just have a pain free day now and then. nothing but almost total inactivity seem to lift the brain fog and what's to point of living like that?

I see I'm wondering off topic here so I'm going to start a What Works thread and try to limit it to one simple question at a time.
David Staup
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Location: granbury, texas

Postby Allen1 » Thu May 14, 2009 9:36 am

Hi there David,

I believe that we can all understand what you have just wrote about not being able to make sense of the symptoms and the complexity of it all. It is over 2 years since I stopped taking statins and a lot of things have improved but fatigue both physically and mentally are always lurking as are muscle weakness and all sorts of problems that on their own are annoying but generally manageable. Apart from mild to moderate aches here and there I have been low on the pain department, that is until this week where for no obvious reason all hell has broke loose and I am in considerable pain once again.

The brain fog and the pain will eventually lessen over time, but for some reason or other, every now and then something happens to trigger the problems again. As you have said all the supplements become very expensive and because their effects are not instant, judging the right amount to use is very hard. We don't even know what effect on us that the very food we eat has, a lot of which has additives that we are unaware of, could the food we eat have something to do with the complexity of the symptoms or even act as a trigger once we have been damaged by statins?

Remember that the brain fog does improve over time, it starts off slowly though and then you have the odd good day, then it becomes a little better and you will have a bad week and then 3 not so bad weeks etc. Eventually though you should get by, unless you over exert yourself, I can't tell you any more than that as it is as far as I have gotten but we live in hope for more improvement.

All the best,
Allen :)
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