Eight years agao I was damaged by a cholesterol lowring drug. It wasn't even a statin. Yet I suffered the same effects those on statins have. Today I am 80% better but have residual muscle damage, and unable to exercise like before the drug.
In the eight years I have discovered things that help. Things that give relief. Things that pick me up and help me feel like a normal person at least for a while bfore slipping back into a state of Fatigue and weakness.
What are those things? Clearly they all have one thing in common, which I beleive stimulate the cells mitochondria. Here they are:
T3 THYROID HORMONE: Adding T3 thyroid hormone picked me up and out of bed and had me doing projects around the house. Taking T3 away sent me spiraling down back to fatigue and weakness. T3 has profound effects on Na,K, ATP and cells mitochondria.
CAFFIENE: This is of course a stimulant as well, and I note a subtle impovement with coffee.
SUGAR: When I hit a low with fatigue and weakness, blood sugar is always normal. Yet hard candy will pick me up from the sugar rush, and my muscles impove only for the duration of the sugar.
COKE: Combining caffiene and sugar is even better. I rarely touch sodas, but If I get into trouble I will drink some just to get me home.
HYPERBARIC: SCUBA DIVING down to a depth of 35 feet for about 20 minutes. This increases nitrogen and oxygen in the blood breathing compressed gasses under pressure. I feel like a normal person untill the effect wears off, and then the fatigue sets back in. (Likewise just the opposite is to go high into the mountains of colorado. At 9,000 ft I have great trouble with my muscles. Descending to 5000 feet offers partial recovery.)