I posted my problem with statins previously. Please see "position paper." Since that time I have helped two people who were experiencing side effects from these drugs.
One the two people was my sister. She has been on simvastatin for a year and a quarter. She started having symptoms after 3 months. She felt like she had a virus. She went to her doctor, and he told her she did have a virus, and she believed him.
When I found out about it, after researching side effects on the 'net, I told my sister I thought her alleged virus was probably a reaction to simvastatin. Subsequently she started taking 1/2 the dose she had been taking (5 mg instead of 10 mg) after verifying it was okay to do so with her doctor. The symptoms of a virus that she'd had for a year went away after 5 days of lowering her dose.
Today I went to my place of employment, and discovered that one of my friend's girlfriends is on lovastatin, as I had been. She's about 20 years old. Her doctor put her on it because she has a family history of heart disease. She is having all the symptoms I had from lovastatin: pain in her joints and muscles and some kind of heart problem. In her case the heart problem is palpitations. In my case I had a strange feeling in my chest along with an increased pulse rate and an episode of almost passing out when I was working hard.
Anyway, I convinced my friend's girlfriend to research statins on the 'net. Her doctor told her that her symptoms would resolve if she gave blood, which she did today, but that didn't help her.
I would very much like to provide my personal opinion about statins, but I'm reminded of Dragnet, where Jack Web, fictional FBI agent, always told his witnesses, "Just the facts, ma'am." I'm not a ma'am, I'm a mister, but I will withhold opinions on statins and just provide facts as accurately as I know them.
I believe it's Matthew 8:32 that says, "And ye shall seek the truth and the truth shall set you free." In fact, our government was so impressed with that passage that they have it on the wall of CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia. If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me. I will keep seeking the truth about statins, and I advise everyone to do the same. Follow your doctor's advice, but don't follow blindly.
God bless.