Hi - trying to find out any information in regards to Zocor and issues I am having with my Achilles tendons.
Back in Nov I was put on Zocor to lower my cholesterol, and at the same appt. I had the dr check out my right ankle, as I had developed a lump back there, and severe pain walking. She diagnosed tendonitis, and referred me to the Orthopedic dept.
A visit to them got me an Air Cast boot which I wore from Mid-Dec until last Thursday, as well as intense physical therapy which I followed to the T - they tried everything, ultrasounds, a therapy that included using electricity to push cortesone through my skin directly into the tendon, ice massages, stretches, but the conditon kept worsening - and now in addition, as a result of walking with the air cast for so long, I developed tendonitis in my LEFT foot as well.
It was then diagnosed that the tendonitis in the right foot had turned into tendonOSIS instead, and that surgery was required to debride the scar tissue from the tendon. That was done the 9th of this month, I'm currently in a cast on that foot, and on crutches - however, in the meantime my left foot has now developed that tell-tale lump as well, and the pain in that foot is to the point where I cannot put weight on it either, and I have taken to crawling to get about.
I had heard a news story associating cholesterol with achilles tendon issues, and in researching that, I found notes that also associated cholesterol lowering drugs with this very problem!!! So now Im concerned that the physical therapy failure is associated with this drug, which I was on the whole time, and that my continuing to take it right now is aggravating my left foot - I'm desperate to avoid this surgery on my left foot as it was and is a horrible surgery to recover from.
I seem to find, however, that OTHER meds, not Zocor specifically, are related to the tendon issues - Zocor seems to be associated with muscle degeneration. Has anyone else experienced issues along these lines?
I have contacted my primary care dr about this - I am leaning towards taking myself off this med and seeing if it helps my left foot, but of course there's always the chance that it's gone too far already, so how could I tell.