Zocor and Achilles Tendon issues

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Zocor and Achilles Tendon issues

Postby Nynaeve » Fri Mar 17, 2006 9:47 am

Hi - trying to find out any information in regards to Zocor and issues I am having with my Achilles tendons.

Back in Nov I was put on Zocor to lower my cholesterol, and at the same appt. I had the dr check out my right ankle, as I had developed a lump back there, and severe pain walking. She diagnosed tendonitis, and referred me to the Orthopedic dept.

A visit to them got me an Air Cast boot which I wore from Mid-Dec until last Thursday, as well as intense physical therapy which I followed to the T - they tried everything, ultrasounds, a therapy that included using electricity to push cortesone through my skin directly into the tendon, ice massages, stretches, but the conditon kept worsening - and now in addition, as a result of walking with the air cast for so long, I developed tendonitis in my LEFT foot as well.

It was then diagnosed that the tendonitis in the right foot had turned into tendonOSIS instead, and that surgery was required to debride the scar tissue from the tendon. That was done the 9th of this month, I'm currently in a cast on that foot, and on crutches - however, in the meantime my left foot has now developed that tell-tale lump as well, and the pain in that foot is to the point where I cannot put weight on it either, and I have taken to crawling to get about.

I had heard a news story associating cholesterol with achilles tendon issues, and in researching that, I found notes that also associated cholesterol lowering drugs with this very problem!!! So now Im concerned that the physical therapy failure is associated with this drug, which I was on the whole time, and that my continuing to take it right now is aggravating my left foot - I'm desperate to avoid this surgery on my left foot as it was and is a horrible surgery to recover from.

I seem to find, however, that OTHER meds, not Zocor specifically, are related to the tendon issues - Zocor seems to be associated with muscle degeneration. Has anyone else experienced issues along these lines?

I have contacted my primary care dr about this - I am leaning towards taking myself off this med and seeing if it helps my left foot, but of course there's always the chance that it's gone too far already, so how could I tell. :?
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Postby tex62 » Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:30 pm

You might want to print some information on the association between statins and tendon problems and discuss it with your doctor. See ww.medsafe.govt.nz/profs/adverse/Minutes114.htm which is an Adverse Reaction Report (New Zealand) and look at the section on Statins and Tendonopathy. You can also pull up other topics on Google with the keywords statins and tendon. I hope you see improvements in your health, soon.
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Postby Nynaeve » Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:42 am

Thanks for the info - my doctor emailed me back, and pulled me off - she has me instead on 2000 mg of Fish Oil, and we'll recheck my labs in 3-6 months, but she does NOT want me on this now with the severity (I'm in a wheelchair at this point because of the left tendon pain) of the situation. I guess I'll see in a few days if the tenderness and swelling are helped by my removal from this drug.

The frustrating part is that my cholesterol reacted WONDERFULLY on this drug - 3 months later, from 283 to 201, and all the other #s went down or up as the case may be DRAMATICALLY - so I know it works, but to be honest, I'd rather be able to walk and live a shorter life if this really is a problem, than to take this medicine and be confined to a wheelchair at 39 yrs old!

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Reply for "Nynaeve"

Postby sos_group_owner » Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:23 pm

Hi Nynaeve,

Even those with WONDERFULLY lowered cholesterol (using statins),
50% or more still experience heart attacks and strokes. At 39 you
are way to young to take statins for a lifetime.

This is a quick synopsis of Dr Graveline's recommendations.
Statin alternative(s) to reduce/prevent inflammation:
(IE: anti-oxidant, reduce platelet stickiness, controls homocysteine)
1) buffered aspirin - 81 mg
2) CoQ10 - 100 to 150 mg
3) folic acid - 400-800 mcg
B6 - 80-100mg
B12 - 200-250mcg
4) Omega 3 (fish oil or cod liver oil) [ There is no upper limit.]

These four items/categories have the same anti-inflammatory affect as
20 mg's of Lipitor, without side effects.

For those suffering from TGA (transient global amnesia) and/or persistent
memory loss, you may need to take much higher doses of CoQ10 - maybe
as high as 1,200 to 1,500 mg.
So far, there are over 500 documented TGA cases caused by statins.

Please read Dr Graveline's article:
"Statin Alternatives"

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Tendon - Ankle Pain

Postby kimsuoil » Sat May 06, 2006 7:45 am

I was on Vytorin from Dec 2004 to August 2005. By April of 2005 I was limping around like an old man (I was 46 at the time). I jog nearly 3-4 days per week (jogged through the pain) and found exercising made matters worse while on this drug. I also had back and neck pains 2-3 times per week after exercising with light weights. Finally I quit the Vytorin on Aug 1, 2005 and within one month my ankle pain went away and I have not had ANY back or neck pain whatsoever even though I still do the exact exercise regime as before. I no longer take statins and quit my doctor.
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Postby Nynaeve » Sat May 06, 2006 8:17 am

Unfortunately, my removal from the drug didn't help as much as I had hoped - I am recovering from achilles tendon debridment on my right foot, and my left foot is still suffering from tendonitis - my goal is simply to feel a little less pain at this point, and avoid the surgery on my left foot if at all possible.

On a sidenote, my uncle was on the same drug, in the Netherlands, and after he started it, he was experiencing muscle pains in his hands severely - he heard my story, took himself off them, and recovered quickly. :?
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:41 pm

I see this is a old post and I hope you are still around and I have never looked into this topic.

You have validated something that has happened to me while I was on the statin drug and has gotten worse since I got off of it... Lumps? I just called it "Odd swelling".. Right around my anckle bone and going up my foot. Since going off 8 months ago, I am now experienceing a sudden sharp grabbing pain around my heel, like my foot has been caught in a steel trap. It about throws me down because the pain is so intense. It may happen a week, or once a day only, several days or anytime at random... I knew it was statin damage but never knew what it was. Thanks!
Cat Mom2
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Postby Nynaeve » Sat Feb 10, 2007 6:49 am

Hi - yes, I'm still here, because I'm still dealing with what I feel started with all this - I'm now facing MORE surgery (tendon replacement) on my right foot, and haven't walked "normal" or pain free since I was put on this drug - yikes, a year and a half now.

Did you have your lump looked at? If you look up Achilles tendonitis, you can find illustrations as to where the issues usually are, and see if they are the same place - and then look up Achilles tendonosis, and read the symptoms and such.

For pain relief, try a heel insert - my surgeon directed me to [http://www.hapad.com] - they have specific inserts for these issues that reduce the strain on the tendon. While that does not do away with the degeneration we all feel these drugs started us on, it can help you get through the day. Icing is good, ice massage with a lump of ice directly on the sore area, rubbing it - it hurts at first, but my PT told me to go until it's numb, and the results are good.

But I'd just have it checked out, it could be bursitis or other foot issues, and easily solved...and if it IS this, you can try physical therapy for relief.

Hoping things go well for you!
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Postby Cat Mom2 » Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:57 pm

Hi Nynaeve, yes, I have had about 4 different doctors look at that swelling and NONE gave me a answer other than "it could be such and such or...." Only 1 doctor sent me for anykind of tests amd those tests were on my legs, not my feet. They did Ultrasounds on my legs where they found I have 3 or 4 faulty vavlves in the blood vessels in my right leg that causes the blood to backflow if you squeeze on the leg. Nothing was found in the left leg but the swelling is in both feet in the same places.

I have discovered that if I wear shoes without the inserts is when that grabbing pain hit like a mallet in my ankle so I try to have them in any shoes I wear.

I tried rubbing the swollen part when it is burning/hurting but it hurt so I quit.. I will try as you suggested and do it until it is numb! It just ticks me off that they have brushed me off so many times about this swelling like it is nothing! That is what they are there for and what we pay them for so what in the world is their problem? If they don't know, say so and send me to someone who does know! :roll:
Cat Mom2
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Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Postby poohhel » Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:42 pm

Hi all... I have some more news or I guess it could also be a brief update... As of yesterday all of my test (emg, ncv, ct scans, blood work, doppler studies and mri's) over past 5 months have come out normal no indication of anything other than the 5 pinched nerves. Although my spinal column is not causing the pinched nerves it is believed that it is my sudden weight gain. But I went to a podatrist for the burning and numbness in my feet and he diagnosed Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome in my ankles/feet which is the equivalent to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in the wrist/hands. So I will be having surgery on my right foot in October and my left foot in December.
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