Lyme Disease - a familiar story to statin sufferers

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Lyme Disease - a familiar story to statin sufferers

Postby leeno » Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:41 pm

This very good documentary of 2 years ago illustrates the frustration that Lyme disease sufferers encountered before mainstream medicine caught with the real world. Statin sufferers will relate !! Our time will come.

On NetFlix, including instant viewing: [quote]Under Our Skin[/quote]
In the 1970s, a mysterious and deadly illness began infecting children in a small town in Connecticut. Today it's a global epidemic. A real-life thriller, this shocking festival hit exposes the controversy surrounding chronic Lyme disease. Following the stories of individuals fighting for their lives, director Andy Abrahams Wilson reveals with beauty and horror a natural world out of balance and a human nature all too willing to put profits before patients.
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Postby Lipitorwoes » Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:53 pm

This is an excellent movie, but it's slow to catch on. The U.S is doing some good things, while Canada, England, and Australia need to move ahead more. Canada is just getting to the stage where some believe it is here, but doctors do not recognize the symptoms or know how to treat it. The few who did are/were being investigated by the college of physcians and surgeons. I could go on. Another big money maker for big pharma treating diseases of unknown origin. Just an FYI the bulls eye rash only happens in under 10 % of the population, the testing is terrible with many false negatives, it only tests for one strain and there are over 200 plus co-infections, it's called the master mimic for a reason, case in point I was misdiagnosed with MS when it was really Lyme, it takes years of antibiotics if you have neurological Lyme. When in treatment you will get what is called the Herxheimer reaction which makes you feel sicker leading some doctors to take you off therapy. It hits every part of your body and can be found in all systems, organs, bones and skin. It causes plaques on an MRI that look just like MS.

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