New York Times: Statin Adverse Effects 06 March 2012

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New York Times: Statin Adverse Effects 06 March 2012

Postby lars999 » Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:05 pm


Friend sent along this link to article "A Heart Helper May Come at a Price for the Brain" in New York Times.

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Re: New York Times: Statin Adverse Effects 06 March 2012

Postby Wisper » Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:38 am

> Friend sent along this link to article "A Heart Helper May Come at a
> Price for the Brain" in New York Times.
> with-a-price-for-the-brain/

It helps to have an interesting article which clearly states the cognitive side effects of statins.

On the other hand it mentions the other side of the coin....
"To be sure, millions of patients taking statins never experience cognitive side effects" and “For most physicians, and certainly for me, these warnings haven’t changed the decision-making process about who gets a statin and who doesn’t,” Dr. Nissen said.

The pros and cons are hard to balance because statins affect each person differently.
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Postby lars999 » Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:06 am


Re one sentence you wrote
"The pros and cons are hard to balance because statins affect each person differently."

I agree, at least for many/most people. For some of us decision to quit statin drug was simple and only regret was not doing due diligence much sooner. I have seen NO downside in my case, in part because of medical history of blood ancestors and in part because I find entire "cholesterol scam" to indeed be a scam.

Speaking more broadly, one essential information for prescribing such a damaging drug is missing. That is, a reliable, proven means of determining which person is going to suffer, as everyone posting here has, debilitating adverse side effects, especially with no clear "life-saving" benefit, and which person will not be damaged seriously AND will receive "life-saving" benefit.

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Postby lars999 » Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:10 am


Here is another article re adverse side effects of statins, again with statin-loving doctor getting "last words".

There is nothing in this NY Times blog that is new to me or probably to most posters here.

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Re: New York Times: Statin Adverse Effects 06 March 2012

Postby Wisper » Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:21 am

[quote="lars999"]Friend sent along this link to article "A Heart Helper May Come at a Price for the Brain" in New York Times.[/quote]

I see the article says "Statins are the most prescribed drugs in the world". Yikes!!!
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Location: London, England

Postby lars999 » Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:27 pm


One day I was getting my Lipitor prescription refilled and pharmacy person proudly told me Lipitor was world's most prescribed medicine previous year. Then he went on to describe that as a great marketing victory. That started a chain of questions in my mind --- unfortunately, it was going to be a few more years before real meaning of that sank in, in fact, not until I went searching for why my health was going downhill so rapidly. When answer came up "Lipitor", credibility of doctors started a long, rapid, not yet ended, slide down to very low levels.

Now, when I decline pills, etc. recommended by doctor, I cite my really bad experience with Lipitor as to why. That has a chilling effect of further "prescriptions" from that doctor, and it goes downhill from there.

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Postby Fernb » Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:56 pm

That is So true. I am not a Dr hater or opposed to thoughtfully and intelligently prescribed meds, but when I explain to a new Dr why I, as a diabetic patient will not take a statin, and why I will be researching and carefully considering ANY prescription, I really get the "Stink eye!" However my latest Dr. did put statins down on my record as an allergy, she still wants to prescribe them, but is treating me with kid gloves. Afraid I will bolt and not get my diabetic meds. I appreciate her concern, it is really too bad they are so determined Statins are necessary, even for those with "normal" cholesterol levels.
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