Hopeful outcome for sufferers

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Hopeful outcome for sufferers

Postby cjbrooksjc » Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:59 pm

This individual claims he recovered from Statin damage (took a few years) and is healthier now than he was before taking the drugs. I have no personal knowledge of the regimen proposed, but it is a hopeful message.



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Postby David Staup » Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:43 pm

Carnitor is "l carnitine" almost an equivalent to acetyl l carnitine which I have been on for 5 years. I have tried l carnitine, saw no improvement and had digestion troubles so I stopped.

alapha lipoic acid I have been on for 4 years. I do see improvement as long as I take both of these but no signs of any repair.

l carnitine is used to transport fatty acid to the mitochondria and generally speaking his description of his life before statins leads me to believe he HAD a "fatty acid oxidation disorder" that also made him more suseptable to statin damage to the mitochondria. When he started carnitine he took care of the transport problem at the root of some forms of FODs and I'm guessing he must continue taking it. I suspect that I have a glycogen storage disease that made me more suseptable to statin damage so I'm guessing that there are more preconditions that make someone prone to statin damage than the new assay will identify.

I saw this come up yesterday and this is my assesment.

David Staup
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Postby lars999 » Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:23 pm

Acetyl-L-Carnitine is one of essential biochemicals to my recovery from damage by Lipitor, as is Ubiquinol. I will likely add alpha-lipoic acid later this year. Vitamins C, B-complex, D3 have been helpful too.

My experience this month suggests that I have long needed to supplement with acetyl-L-carnitine, perhaps well before taking Lipitor. After a year plus of taking selected essential biochemical supplements 3X daily, after having quit Lipitor, I tapered down to only once daily. Slowly I regressed in my physical abilities and regained some previous aches and pains, etc. About a month ago started taking them all 2X daily and starting my morning with a gram of Acetyl-L-carnitine. I now seem clearly to be progressing back to some higher level of physical ability and greatly reduced leg pains, which no longer awake me at night.

Please note that even in my regressed state, my physical abilities were at least 8X greater than when I quit Lipitor -- now they are perhaps 12X-15X again. I am eagerly awaiting ski season again because sking (cross country and downhill) is where I have my best information about recovered physical abilities (endurance, stamina, lung/aerobic capacity, sustained muscle control and balance).

I look forward to reading Morley Evans' book.
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