Not sure if this is the right place to ask about this for my father, but thought I'd try.
Stats -
1995 (age 59) - went on Zocor 10 mg, initial chol 285-315 for past 3 years, LDL:HDL, 4 to 1 ratio.
95-98 - 215 total chol, LDL:HDL, 2.5 to 1 (10mg zocor)
98-99 - Did Atkins diet, lost 30 lbs, but total chol went to 230-245, LDL: HDL, 3 to 1... [b]Zocor upped to 40mg in 99 (age 63)[/b]
2000-2005 - 210-230 total chol, LDL:HDL 2.5 to 1 ratio
2005 New doctor, last 2 total chol 215-220, 2.5-1 LDL:HDL ratio (04-05), NEW DOCTOR... upped Zocor (generic?) from 40mg to 80mg (age 69).
2006 -[b] Noticed mental slowness in work (I work with my dad), was concerned he might have suffered a mild stroke b/c the mental change/slowdown was that dramatic, but not the case[/b]. Also had dramatic hearing loss, but won't talk about it... not sure what is cause and thought that might be leading to his mental sluggishness.
170 total chol, 2 to 1 LDL:HDL ratio
2007 - Prostate Cancer, Radiation to treat, still have mental fog and slow down, but walked thru every step with him and explained options several times... seemed to be "with it" in understanding everying. (stats for chol are the same)
2008-2011 - total Chol 158-172, 2 to 1 ratio LDL:HDL (like 98LDL:48HDL) Still on 80 mg Simvastatin (age 72-75)
2012 - stats on chol still same, but in doing work we've done for 10 years, significant difference in understanding, confusion, had to take control and tell him what we needed to do vs. 10 years ago he'd direct what we needed to do. Sometime there is a glazed look like I'm here but not registering what you are saying unless you repeat 3 times, not just in work but life... things he could repeat off the cuff he struggles with like locations and roads. Definite change in cognitive function that doesn't seem to be age related.
Other factors in the last 3-5 years we've brushed under the rug... changed "reaction" to things... more frustrated/angered (not his motif), hearing loss is about the same for the last 7 years (could this be related to upping statins to 80mg?)... loss came on fast and furious, but has stayed about the same for the last 7 years. Sometimes there is just a dazed look until you repeat once or twice.
FINALLY got him to decide to try going off Statins. REALIZED he's on 80mg of Zocor generic (simvastatin), so tapering him off... here's our plan for the next 3 weeks... after getting of statins totally, we'll keep the supplements below.
7 days -
Reduce Simvastatin from 80mg to 40mg each day
D-3 (previously took)
Centrum MultiVitamin (Senior Men - previously took)
Baby Asprin -new
2000mg Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega - new
CoQ10-400mg - new
Next 14 days -
Simvastatin 40mg EVERY OTHER DAY
D-3 (previously took)
Centrum MultiVitamin (Senior Men - previously took)
Baby Asprin -new
2000mg Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega - new
CoQ10-400mg - new
What do you think about the tapering off schedule? What do you think about the symptoms? I know L-carnitine is the other supplement to get him on ASAP, but was doing the most I could to just try to get him off the Statins. Any other suggestions? His MAJOR issue is memory confusion, fogginess, forgetfulness, moodiness - beyond just normal aging, and he did have some muscle issues early, but is mostly fine with those now.