"Amazingly, out of thin air, my classic Statin Myopathy symptoms, in a short 28 day time frame, just magically changed into new and different symptoms. It must have been the unicorn that they flew me home on.
Maybe not
I posted this Jan. 25 2014
First a little background on my acquired mito.
I was put on the statins in may of 2000 and rapidly declined to roughly 50% where I struggled for 5 years. I then stopped the statin, took a less physically demanding position where I continued to struggle. 18 months after I had stopped the statin...I experienced, over the course of one month, a most remarkable recovery. I went from 50% to 80% and I can't describe how GREAT that felt. That lasted for 4 months. I had a bladder infection that required a visit to the doctor where I was talked into a physical and, eventually, I was talked into a non statin cholesterol lowering drug and within 2 weeks I was far worse than 50%. Seven horrible months later I was effectively disabled...Remember 18 months...a 60% improvement over the course of 1 month.
Do you believe in coincidences?
I have just completed my 19th month on LDB and what a remarkable month it has been. I don't know where to begin!
On the background Prior, to the LDB I had been cycling between 160 lbs at the end of winter (low activity) and ~128 lbs by July after the spring rush. I would stay at the ~128 through the moderate activity summer and early fall when I would enter the low activity and regain the weight....I started the LDB in may at a weight of 140 where I stayed +/- 2 lbs... Until ...Now begins the list of improvements in order of notice:
I suspect that this has to do with mtDNA "quality control" :
and repair:
The science on this is not yet mature but ....