Cardiologist identifies NO benefit to STATIN drugs

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Cardiologist identifies NO benefit to STATIN drugs

Postby cjbrooksjc » Sun Apr 23, 2017 1:31 pm

Leading cardiologist finds No benefit and suspect (industry influenced) trial data. See link below (do not include the ** when you link)



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Re: Cardiologist identifies NO benefit to STATIN drugs

Postby schatzi » Mon Jul 24, 2017 6:04 pm

Hello Brooks;

A few years ago you gave me a very valuable tip about using Blue Emu. You seem to be very educated about the use of Statins, so here I have another question:

A little history first: for years now I have NOT used Statins, and finally feel reasonably well. Finally my Cardiologist, PCP etc. agreed that Statins have too big an effect on my health and quality of life, and no longer asked me to take them.

Fast forward: Moving from Kansas to Texas, changing Dr.'s etc.; my current PCP wants me to agree to taking injectable cholesterol lowering drugs. Of course knowing the damage Statins have done to me over the years, I am very apprehensive about any kind of cholesterol lowering medicines.

What do you know about injectable medications, ie. Repatha (sp). I have looked on the internet, there seem to be a multitude of side effect, many similar to taking Statins.

Having survived cancer for 5 years now, I am not inclined to follow the new PCP's advice.

Anything you, or any others that may have used the product, can tell me would be helpful.

Thank you,
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Re: Cardiologist identifies NO benefit to STATIN drugs

Postby cjbrooksjc » Tue Jul 25, 2017 4:36 pm

Hi, and I'm happy I was able to provide some useful info in the past. First, let me say SCHATZI is a German nickname in my family (Mother's side).
Personally, I don't favor any lipid medicines unless faced with familial hypercholesteroremia (sp?)as a consequence. There are myriad studies not associated with or funded by the Pharmaceutical industry that deny elevated cholesterol as a CVI cause. The primary cause of cardiovascular difficulties is thought to be inflammation. The bodies' reaction to inflamed arteries is a patch over the inflamed area with cholesterol. Those patches, if the inflammation is not controlled, can grow like scab over scab until the artery becomes compromised. To reduce inflammation, the intelligent course of action is to reduce the cause; now thought to be refined carbohydrates: Sugar, refined flour-based foods, etc. Simple changes to your diet can reduce arterial inflammation and the bodies' response to it. Check the internet and the reading list on this site for further, supportive data. My numbers continue to be high based on current measurements: total Cholesterol 230 to 250, but my HDL, or 'good' cholesterol, remains high at 80 to 90, and as long as my HDL is at least 25% of my total Ch., I will not entertain any control medication. If I had know any of this 17 years ago when my then PCP recommended Zocor, we would not be having this conversation. BTW: I am a seldom visitor to this site now so I may not respond as quickly as you might like to further requests.


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Re: Cardiologist identifies NO benefit to STATIN drugs

Postby cjbrooksjc » Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:45 am

SCHATZI: One final recommendation: this is a link from a Dr. I communicate with occasionally. I think his advice is sound. It includes a video you may find interesting: (((** Don't forget to exclude the asterisks ** and the parens () before you copy the link.

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Re: Cardiologist identifies NO benefit to STATIN drugs

Postby schatzi » Mon Oct 09, 2017 1:03 pm

Hi Brooks,
Thank you for your reply. I too am a seldom visitor to the forum as of late. Yes, you are right, Schatzi is a endearment for someone you really like, and yes it is German. Translation: Treasure
In the meantime I have researched the inject-able Cholesterol meds, definitely not for me. I am just surprised Dr.'s are still pushing Statins, and like medications in view of the severe damage done to so many people. Money talks! My total Cholesterol ranges from 200 to 240, HDL 40-50, LDL 130- 166, Triglycerides were high on last test at 230, normal range is around 150. Have been having issues with Hypoglycemia again, blood sugar dropping rapidly so I have to take counter measures. This last test was non fasting, that may be the reason for the higher values. I do pay attention to simple carbohydrates and avoid sugar and sugar subs, no sodas, just water. I am still dealing with the after effects of having taken Statins for many years. Visiting MDAnderson later this month for follow-up, hoping for a good report.
Thank you for the information, always look for your post, very informative.
All the Best,
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