Statins, Help!

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Statins, Help!

Postby Eve Vorgity » Sat May 20, 2006 3:58 pm

I am new to this site, I have read some interesting things, I have been on Statins for 10 yrs. Lipator, Zorcor, Tricor, and Crestor, I have most of the symptions that have been mentioned.
I have been off the Statins for a mo. I am taking 8 Advil ( 3-2-3 ) a day to help with the pain in the muscles and the joints. I can hardley use my hands, blood work showed RA, but I had a gut feeling that it was Crestor and quite taking it a mo. ago. I also take Wellbutrin in the morning 75mg, and 1mg, of Lorazapam at night to help me sleep. I have an 8mo. old grandson and it just hurts so bad knowing that I can't pick him up for fear that I will drop him.
Please tell me how long this is going to last.
My life has been altered to the point that I don't even want to get out of bed, once I manage to get in it. I no longer have an active life.
Eve Vorgity
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Joined: Sat May 20, 2006 2:22 pm
Location: Alabama


Postby Darrell » Sat May 20, 2006 11:46 pm

RA is very treatable with lots of options and some great new meds in the last decade even for severe cases, but you must see a rheumatologist. Delay can cause unnecessary irreversible damage.
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Postby Eve Vorgity » Sun May 21, 2006 10:55 am

:( Darrell,
I also have muscle loss with this, I can hardley walk because the bottom of my feet feel as though there is no padding. It's like I'm walking on rocks. I see a Rheumatologist in July, thats as soon as I could get the appt.. Also, don't close a door that I have walked thru until I am five feet away from it, as you will catch my tail in it. that is how low my energy is.

Eve Vorgity
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Location: Alabama

Postby Darrell » Sun May 21, 2006 11:30 am

I know the feeling. I thought I was coming down with flu for weeks. I realized it wasn't flu when my right leg got too weak to get me up the steps. My wife has RA, so I'm sympathetic there too.

My impression is that you have perhaps three separate issues going on -- RA (especially hands and fingers), statin-damage (muscle weakness and fatigue), and maybe too many powerful meds. I see elsewhere that you are starting the Q10 and L-Carnitine. My suggestion is that you and your doctor consider backing off on the Wellbutrin (unless you have a history of depression) and backing off the Lorazapam (if just using it as a sedative) IF you see some improvement with the Q10 and/or L-Carnitine.

I'm highly confident that your rheumatologist will be able to deal with your joint problems and take away a lot of that pain. I'm sorry that you must wait until July for that improvement process to begin.
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