
A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.


Postby forest.ranger » Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:31 am

For around the last8 months I have been suffering from what I at first considered to be chronic fatigue syndrome
Symptoms include:
Severe photosensitivity, I am unable to stand direct light, TV and computer screens fluorescent lights cause twitching and near seizures.
After sush episides I am frequently unable to walk or talk properly for several minutes.
Any unexpected movement, telephone ringing causes fiight or fright responses and sometimes when driving I get huge fight or flight reactions from marker posts wizzing by
Nagging, dull ache between and just below my shoulder blades & neck
Severe insomnia (difficult to both fall asleep and/or stay asleep)
Persistent fatigue
Often unable to focus or stay "on task" at work: often forget what I'm doing right in the middle of doing it
Occasional dizziness or possibly vertigo.
Definite short term memory loss: often completely unable to "find the right word" or remember someone's name
Quite often forget where I parked my car and several times became lost when my memory blackedout and I was unable to remember how to find my way home.
degradation of visual acuity:
Skin rashes elbows and anal with itching
I have had all the usual blood tests, MRI.Capscan all normal
I am booked into hospital next month for more tests however the doctors have said they are not ready to call it chronic fatigue yet as I donot seem to have all the symptoms
Last week I found this site and the penny dropped Up until october last year I had been on Lipex which is apparently the New Zealand name for Zocor for about 14 months
During this time I suffered severe leg cramps but did not link them with the drug
I had imported Dr Murphree's CFC/Fibro Formula and have been taking this along with Q10. Sam-e and adrenal cortex.Omega 3.
I have found that after around 5-7 days of taking these the symptoms all go away. However it feels not quite right and I have trouble relaxing, seem to be on a permanent high or like a permanent adrenal rush. maybe it just that Ive forgotten what being well is like.
If I stop taking them the symptoms return in around 7-9 days
However I an having a problem convincing my doctors of this.
I am presently off the formula as the doctors want me drug free when I go to hospital.
However I have raised the Lipex question with them but have not got any reply yet
I intend to try the Omega3,CoQ10, buffered asprin and vitamins when I come out of Hospital
I would like your thoughts as to if I maybe on the right track with this as the doctors seem completely confused.
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Location: New Zealand

Postby forest.ranger » Mon Jun 11, 2007 2:37 am

Its now 18 months since I first developed the symptoms described in my first post.
Im still taking Dr Murphree's CFC/Fibro Formula and have been taking this along with Q10. Sam-e and adrenal cortex.Omega 3.
Most of the symptoms have now gone and I an able to work again,
but I still have problems with direct light, TV and computer screens fluorescent lights causing twitching and near seizures. I still have Memory problems and skin rashes also.
Computers are a big part of my work though I find if I can stay away from the computer for several days the symptoms fade then when I have to spend several hours in front of the machine the symptoms come roaring back anyone else have this problem?.

However I do feel that I am slowly getting better.
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Location: New Zealand

Postby Cat Mom2 » Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:42 pm

My daughter has a friend whos daughter can not sit in front of flickering things (TV's computers,lights) and cars, trees ect wizzing by sends her into seizures. This is a form of Epilepsy. I had a friend years ago that had it bad and after a siezure she couldn't speak or walk for awhile.

I would check that out if I were you as it sounds like true Epilepsy to me and could not be realted to the statins. (although I would'nt he surprised if it were). If your job is working on computers, you need to get to the bottom of it or loose your livelyhood.

I am just drawing on what little I know about Epilepsy.someone else might thing differently.
Cat Mom2
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Postby forest.ranger » Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:10 am

Its now around 30 months since I had my first symptoms of statin reactions.
Since then it has been a slow very frustrating process to get back some measure of health.

I went to the doctor about 2 weeks ago and had another cholesterol test which showed its still high.

Saw the doctor again today and despite telling the doctors repeatedly over the last 30 months of the symptoms Ive had, he suggested that I go on to Liptor for three months and see what happens.

I told him that it could possibly put me back to the condition I was in 30 months ago and didn't that concern him.

He then stated that he doubted very much that my problems were caused by statins as they didn't do that.and were very safe.

At this point I blew up asked him if he was trying to kill me, called him a ####### Idiot, Tore up the script in front of him and walked out.

I don't think I will be welcome there again
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Postby Allen1 » Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:39 pm

Thats the way to go Murray :D

A lot of what you have listed at the start of the post (Symptoms) are all to similar to my own, other than I could hardly stay awake a lot of the time. As you will also know, things varied from week to week, it seems to be the same for a lot of us victims of this medical "blunder drug".

I have been off Simvastatin for about a year and a half now and my ability to think has improved for short periods but my strength and stamina have probably gone downhill, although I can stay awake all day if I really try very hard. Everyone seems to have been offered another statin when they have stopped, and nearly all the Doctors have said "Statins don't do that", I still do not know why a lot of them cannot open their eyes to what is happening right in front of them!

All the best,

Allen :)
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Postby Brian C. » Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:09 am

"...nearly all the Doctors have said "Statins don't do that", I still do not know why a lot of them cannot open their eyes to what is happening right in front of them! "

Allen, read my recent posting in the "American Academy of Pediatrics...." thread again and ponder.

Brian C.
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Postby Allen1 » Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:42 pm

Hi there Brian,

I take it that you mean this eye opener :)

[quote]The first comprehensive study into psychopathy was published by Hervey Cleckley MD in 1941 as "The Mask of Sanity". It described how psychopaths could effectively mimic the non-psychopathic to win trust, gain influence and manipulate others to their advantage.

The behaviour of pharmaceutical corporations (and other corporate entities) echoes psychopathic behaviour and amplifies that of the psychopathic types that they recruit and promote for their undeniable effectiveness in ruthlessly promoting the "bottom line".

We have marketing-based medicine cleverly mimicking science-based medicine. The outward appearance belying the dirty little secret within.

Needless to say this has had a devastatingly corrupting effect on the non-psychopaths practising medicine and government decision-makers.
Also on the senior academics responsible for seeking research funding.

Journalists too are enchanted and ensnared.


That certainly sums up the situation we have with the drug industry and those in charge of promoting these poisons like STATINS. I would like to see these promoters force fed or to be forced to take at least 80mg of Simvastatin per day for the rest of their lives, and then see how they enjoy life after succumbing to its so called "RARE or MILD" adverse effects. :)

All the best,

Allen :D
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Postby Brian C. » Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:31 am

Hi Allen. It's not just Big Pharma of course.
It's everywhere you look and rampant.

Brian C.
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Postby cjbrooksjc » Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:42 pm

forest.ranger: 1st, I nearly cheered when I read your post about being re-prescribed statins. "Good on ya!" is the only fitting comment that comes to mind. Hope your display of frustration shows some dividends in the future; if not for you, then for some other patient. As to your visual problems - statins can cause some very odd neurological side effects and can even mimic ALS or other neurological disorders - you should eliminate (thru testing) those other possibilities (my opinion). Also if you are not taking Acetyl L-Carnitine Arginate, you might try that - it does help with my vision problems and cloudy thinking, or I believe it does anyway. The difference is that the Arginate form is said to pass the blood-brain barrier more effectively and have a more immediate impact on neurological side effects in the brain. Also, Krill oil is touted by some members of this forum to reduce cholesterol numbers naturally.

Glad to hear you are improving. Keep in touch.


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