I wish to express a huge thanks to the spacedoc for this site and giving us this knowledge. I passed this info to my parents. my Father has been on liptor and it has taken much of his mental ability....and he is also now on the 1200MG of CO Enzyme 10 + VIT E regime as well.
My name is Scott I am new to the board and need some help.
My PCP prescribed Advicor 500/20 along with the "protocol" of a late night low fat snack and the non-ecentric coated aspirin 1/2hr before. Total LDL/HDL was 238. the only other meds I was on prior was Xanax, which I take as needed and it is the 0.5MG dose. I did not take any Xanax during the 5 nights I took the advicor. I was also put on WellbutrinXL 300MG solely for smoking cessation. I started the WBXL 4 days before the first dose of Advicor. I was told using all 3 together was no problem.
Everything was fine the first 3 nights.
On the 4th night I could not sleep, felt severe body aches and felt like all my muscles were on fire, my ears even plugged up. I never saw the flushing of the Niacin or the experienced the tingles, they said I would. I was so fatigued, so I took another dose the next night and my symptoms seemed to double.
After another sleepless and very painful, sweaty night I stopped the Advicor.
I then noticed my memory slipping a little (how could this be after only 5 doses!?)
I immediately found this web-site and starting yesterday I am taking 1200MG of CO Enzyme 10 + VIT E and will continue to do so.
I only took 5 of doses Advicor(500/20) and have been off of it now for 3 days. I am still finding it difficult to sleep due to the pain in my ankles, legs, lower back, and neck. I get numb sensations all over different spots of my body, I find I am still very tired and my muscles even seem weak now. I am breathless at times, and seem to have lost my appetite. I have even had a mild fever (100 to 101.7)
I am worried that I may have kidney damage(waiting on the blood work)
If somebody could help me please here are my questions.
I only took 5 doses, How soon will the Advicor get out of my body?
Will I always have these symptoms?
How long will I need to take the 1200MG(400MG 3x a day) + a VIT E before I see some return to normal?
I went back to the PCP and he absolutely refused to believe it was side effect related, until I started showing clinical studies. I had the good Dr's immediate attention(Spacedoc is right, if you go armed they get serious, but it is my opinon they get serious because they do not wish to get sued)The PCP checked my blood sugar ,which was normal and immediately sent me to the lab for bloodwork to check my TC levels(What are TC levels? I searched everywhere and cannot find it.) Check my liver and I hope checking my kidneys.
Any and all help from this community is very appreciated!
I look forward to meeting some of you and posting in the future