Recovery time Myopathy ??

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Recovery time Myopathy ??

Postby golfish » Sat Aug 26, 2006 6:18 pm

Hi, After change from Lipitor to Zocor found that I was having subtle changes,
but didn't connect them as they were so gradual. Returning home after wintering in FL condo, found that yard work was no longer a pleasure and good exercise. An hour was max and took 3 hours between chores, legs were
like sticks and knees weak. Had no stamina.....blamed it on being a year older (78) and no exercise other than golf for 6 months. Had reg check up with primary care Doc two weeks later, with blood work a few days before. ;" How are you feeling?", I told him lousy......and if there were 2 more stairs I wouldn't have made it to tell him so !! He said it's no wonder your blood works tells me that. Stop Zocor right now, go back to lab for additional tests
and see me next week. Day later he calls and says I have Myopathy....
AST 102;ALT 158 and CK 2227 6/1/06. Tells me to lay low , no lifting, golf , fishing, or yard work. Should be back to normal in 2 months. On 8/23
AST 75, ALT 113 and CK 2244. Still no strength or stamina despite doing NOTHING and taking CoQ10 up to 1200mg a day for almost a month.
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Postby Darrell » Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:36 pm

Man, can I ever relate to your one-hour-active / three-hour-rest lifestyle! I did it for 16 months until I started L-Carnitine in late April.

Consider trying some L-Carnitine as discussed by Ray Holder and others on this site. It did wonders for my Zocor-damaged leg muscles. It's not a cure, but it's definitely a huge improvement for quality of life for me. You can buy it over-the-counter because it's a dietary supplement. Start at 250 to 500 mg and work up slowly to make sure there are no problems such as gastro-intestinal. I have been taking 1,500 mg in the morning and 1,000 mg in the late afternoon for a couple of months and can't imagine being without it. I supplement that with another 500 mg now and then when very physically active.

If it works for you, you can get it mail order cheaper and in larger bottles than in stores.

And count your blessings that you have a doctor who is not in denial!
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Postby golfish » Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:17 pm

Hi, Darrell Thx have just printed your reply and Doc will have it with several
articles re CoQ10 plus L-carnitine on Mon AM !! He suggested the CoQ10 and is good guy !!
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Postby bunnylady » Sun Aug 27, 2006 6:53 pm

Darrell- If I have a CPK test tomorrow and take 1200 mg of L Carnitine tonight will that affect the test? I want it to read true-

Thanks, Patty
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CPK test

Postby Ray Holder » Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:27 am

Your CPK test will show the lowered value after Carnitine use for about a week if you stop taking it. In W Australia where they actually measure carnitine levels in the blood, they reckon to keep off carnitine for a month for the level to get back to your "normal"

But why worry what it would be without carnitine, you will only have to let muscle etc damage start again to get a measure of that damage shown up in the CPK test.

If you did stop, your CPK test would probably, like mine, take only a few hours to fall again once you resumed the carnitine.

Ray Holder
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Postby SusieO » Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:40 pm

When I asked to have a CPK test it was several months after stopping Lipitor and even though I was still having severe leg, arm and memory problems my levels were normal.

I have read that you can have a normal CPK level and still have statin damage - yet you won't find many health professionals who will agree with that.
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Postby Darrell » Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:50 pm

I get really irked about knowing more about this subject than many health professionals, SusieO:
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Postby bunnylady » Tue Aug 29, 2006 10:49 pm

Thanks - had the test today
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Postby SusieO » Wed Aug 30, 2006 3:11 pm

Darrell; that is a great article and I printed it for safe keeping!

I see my cardiologist tomorrow and when I tell him my body did not do well when trying to take Lopid (Gemfibrizol) he will probably tell me it is all in my head.

I even gave cinnamon capsules a try to lower my triglycerides and got the same pain in my legs/arms and my memory was just awful. Apparently, it can lower the LDL and that can bring on the pain once we have damage from the statins.
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