Wow, does that sound familiar! I used to post on Healthboards as "heart44"... I was banned 3 times before they gave me the permanent boot. [/quote]
What the moderators probably don't realize is the ease at which one can: flush your DNS, renew your ip, and create a new account. Myself, I've been banned twice in the span of two weeks.
There were so many great people there that needed answers. [/quote]
Yes. I just went there for personal experience and some answers. But you find yourself wanting to help those people. Some of them make me so very sad. They're just barely computer literate, have very little medical background, with very little disposable income. All you want to do is point them in the right direction, to help
them make a more informed decision. But the board operators want sheep without an authoritative herder in sight... so these pharma wolves can pluck up the unsuspecting with their advertisements.
I'm actually considering contacting the FDA, FTC etc. about these type of forums, such as Healthboards.com. I believe they need to be regulated, as they start to proliferate the Internet landscape. Sure, these health forums can perform a powerful a public service; but they can also cause great harm with misinformation... especially in such a censored and restrictive atmosphere.
And thanks for your work on spreading the word in these forums. You're helping to save countless lives. We need more authoritative opinions out there, like Dr. Graveline's... someone who isn't afraid to go up against the system.
Be careful with niacin. Theraputic doses can cause elevated homocysteine. Elevated homocysteine is one of the risk factors that causes "oxidized" LDL (aka imflammation).
Also make sure your Mom takes B complex (that is rich in folic acid, B6 & B12).
* Folic Acid - 400-800 mcg
* B6 - 80-100mg
* B12 - 200-250mcg [/quote]
I have my mom on 1000mg daily of niacin (as Inositol Hexaniacinate,) along with Folic Acid and Vitamin B12. It's actually included as part of Jarrow's Bone-up, which is also amazingly complete. I also had read about the potential for elevated homocysteine levels; the Internet is such an amazing tool. Niacin also has the potential to cause low blood platlet counts. Although, there's a tangible added benefit of elevating natural levels of HGH, only if taken on an empty stomach.

And thanks for your concern and help. Though, I still haven't seen enough definitive studies on the effect of niacin vs. Inositol Hexaniacinate on blood lipid levels. I only wish there was a more definitive niacin study to be found.
Edit: Sorry for the mess. I'm afraid the forum's BBCode has been turned off, and it won't allow proper quoting.