Gynocomastia from Advicor Need Help

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Gynocomastia from Advicor Need Help

Postby Needhelp8 » Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:03 pm

My gyno (swelling of Breast tissue arount the nipple) first appeared about 2 months ago and just on the left side. I was taking medication at the time called Advicor. It is listed as a side effect so I called them.

They said yes it is a side effect but they could not suggest anything and to see my doctor.

I see my doctor an internist a week ago and he is not aware of Advicor having this side effect so he calls them for an update. It has now been a week and it still being processed. I wonder what the delay is?

In the meantime I go to an Endocrinologist. She is doing a lot of bloodwork checking for tumors. I know she will need to check hormone and estrogen levels.

My internist wanted me to have a biopsy before receiving the report from Advicor or before I had blood work but I'm putting it on hold.

I guess I'm venting because it's taking so long to get a report from Advicor. I'm going to be spending a fortune on doctor bills not to mention the anxiety I'm being put through.

I becoming very suspicious of this drug company for withholding information on this product.

Im going to file a report with the FDA soon.
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Postby Darrell » Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:00 pm

Since gynecomastia (correct spelling) is a listed Advicor side effect, it's not clear to me what you or your internist are expecting from Advicor. I suspect that, if anything, they'll tell you it is a rarely-reported side effect (true) and not necessarily caused by Advicor (true). Then you may be left with an endocrinologist that will do lab tests to rule out every possible cause because missing something might prove disasterous for you and thus drag her into a legal case. Ultimately you may find there is no provable cause, no option except plastic surgery, and no legal basis to recover the costs. Things could be worse -- at least there's a way to correct it. I'm sitting here with a Zocor leg muscle problem that has no known cure.

If it's really bothersome and you want to have it removed for sure, you may want to consider having a plastic surgeon remove it and do a biopsy of what is removed. That may save you one procedure. Discuss that with your doctors.

Another thing to consider is taking some Q10. It's a real longshot that it will help, but it does seem to help with a lot of other statin side effects.

Good luck! Please keep us posted.
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Thanks for responding

Postby Needhelp8 » Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:44 pm

Thanks Darrell

I now sure what their reply will be I just would like to learn what they have learned.

I will send an update when I get a reply.

Because of the slow response from Advicor they have contacted the sales rep to find out what the delay is.

This is a good website because people are sharing information which is what most of us need.

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Postby shawk » Sat Sep 30, 2006 3:43 pm


I was on advicor for only 5 days beofre having a very bad allergic reaction to it, tha tincluded sevee muscle problems abnormal liver function tests and it also made me store way to much Iron, that was because my liver was completely assualted by the advicor.... I took myself off of it quickly and it now has been 45 days, took a 30 day supply of CQ10 and L-Carnitine and things are much better....Stop waiting for Advicor they will only defend their product...
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Taking your advice

Postby Needhelp8 » Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:34 am


I'm going to call the FDA if my doctor does not get a reply from the maker of Advicor by tomorrow. It's been three weeks. I feel withholding information is somewhat criminal to there responcibility to the public.

In the meantime I'm taking your advice an picked up a supply of CoQ-10. I'm going to taking it for 30 days. From what I've read on it it just may work.

I'm going to do some reading on the L-Carnitine today and may pick up 30 day supply as well.

I did go to a Endocrinologist about 10 days ago and she did a lot of blood test that came up negative. That confirms to me even more that it was the Advicor causing the gynecomastia.

I keep you updated

Thanks, Needhelp8
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Postby CatMom » Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:00 pm

Gee, sounds like they were ready to drain the bank as long as you would be willing to go along with it.

It absolutely amazes me that these doctors are handing this stuff out right and left and do not know or seem to care what it is doing to people. They are suppose to be the educated ones and know what is best but they sure are falling short.
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Have your Testosterone Levels Checked

Postby bomber70 » Tue Nov 07, 2006 5:40 pm


Statins removed most of my testosterone. My guess is that this is part of the problem. Have your doc do a T test. If you have more'll get gyno.

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