About two years ago I went to a weight doctor who discovered that I had a total cholesterol level of 700. I went to my doc who prescribed the highest dose of crestor. It brought my cholesterol to near normal but at the same time I stayed really tired and lost the use of my left hand and arm. I went to the doc three times trying to figure out why my arm was hurting so much and I couldn't use it, I couldn't even turn a door knob. I then got a strange discoloration underneath the skin on the under side of my arm. It looked like my veins were bruised. Again I went back to my doc and even asked my Pharmacist about the symptoms, at that time I began to wonder if it was my medication. Neither my doc or pharmacist thought that my symptoms were associated with the crestor. My doc thought it might be an infection from a tick bite and gave me antibiotics. But when I got home I went to the internet and typed in crestor and read my symptoms on the pages. I couldn't get my doc to agree to change my medication so I just went off the meds. Within a month I felt like my old self again. But about three months ago I discovered plaque coming out of my skin on my hands and elbows. So I went another doc who took blood and my cholesterol was 798. He put me on the highest dose of vytorin. And here I am again. My left arm in pain and debilitated, I can't get out of bed, all I want to do is sleep all the time. And now I have the mottoled blood thing on my stomach and arm. I went to the doc who knows what happened last time and that the symptoms disappeared when I went off the crestor, but he doesn't believe that the vytorin is doing this to me. He wants to do all kind of tests like sleep apnea and nerve tests on my arm and I know it's the medication. So I'm going off of it before it kills me. Both doctors say that I don't have a choice. They said that I have to be on the medication for the rest of my life. But this isn't living. Is there a safe non statin remedy for high cholesterol? They say that the kind of high cholesterol that I have is inherited and not caused from diet so it can't be controlled by diet. What Can I do?
Diane Casey age 43