My husband, who has always had high cholesterol, high LDL, low HDL and high tri's, stopped his statins two years ago.
Flax Seed Oil with blended seeds helped a lot the first year. Now, he's primarily on blended Flax Seeds, B-vitamins, Co Q10, magnesium, selenium, and fish/flax/borage oil at night mixed in cottage cheese. Folic acid when we remember. And as of last Feb., his results were this:
CHL: 232
TRIG: 180 (<150)
HDL: 52 (40-60)
LDLC: 144 (0-100)
I'm not too worried about the Cholesterol. But I sure wish we could lower his Trig and LDL. HOW do we do that?? By the way, he's diabetic and doesn't eat many grains at all.
Janie, owner of