Are the supplements working for you????

A forum to discuss personal experiences and share information on statins and other cholesterol lowering drugs.

Are the supplements working for you????

Postby Janie » Mon Jan 01, 2007 5:00 pm

My husband, who has always had high cholesterol, high LDL, low HDL and high tri's, stopped his statins two years ago.

Flax Seed Oil with blended seeds helped a lot the first year. Now, he's primarily on blended Flax Seeds, B-vitamins, Co Q10, magnesium, selenium, and fish/flax/borage oil at night mixed in cottage cheese. Folic acid when we remember. And as of last Feb., his results were this:

CHL: 232
TRIG: 180 (<150)
HDL: 52 (40-60)
LDLC: 144 (0-100)

I'm not too worried about the Cholesterol. But I sure wish we could lower his Trig and LDL. HOW do we do that?? By the way, he's diabetic and doesn't eat many grains at all.


Janie, owner of
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Postby vipergg22 » Mon Jan 01, 2007 9:39 pm

Try adding cinnamon capsules . 1000 mg per day . Comes in 500 mg capsules at about $5 -6 for 120 capsules . This can lower totals up to 25%. to read about it go to the USDA website and read their studies.

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Postby catamaran » Tue Jan 23, 2007 4:36 pm

:? All these supplements, cinnamon, resveratrol, omega-3, et al, probably help prevent heart disease in a small way, but the main player in the game to prevent heart disease is vitamin large quantities.

I take 10 grams of vitamin C per day in five doses of 2 grams about 2-3 hours apart. I no longer have an increasing volume of atheromatous plaque in my arteries.

Cholesterol is not a significant factor in atherogenesis if serum ascorbate is maintained continuously at a proper level. Ascorbate must be supplemented regularly since the body makes none of its own and the amount required can vary widely depending on the level of stress visited upon the body. Ascorbate absorbed into the system has a half-life of about 20 minutes when it peaks and then declines to survival level in about three hours, hence the need to continuously supplement.

Ref: Dr. T. Levy, "Stop America's #1 Killer"
Research, Drs. Hickey and Roberts, UK
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Re: Supplements:

Postby Janie » Tue Jan 23, 2007 5:09 pm

The real trick is going to be how to give him that much when the poor guy already takes a multitude of pills. We'll look at my own Vit. C powder, and will have to put it in something that won't drive his blood sugar up--he's diabetic. Thank you for great advice.

By the way, since cholesterol is the building block for many hormones, and since my husband has VERY high cortisol levels due to chronic pain...makes you wonder if he needs his slightly higher cholesterol.


[quote="catamaran"]:? All these supplements, cinnamon, resveratrol, omega-3, et al, probably help prevent heart disease in a small way, but the main player in the game to prevent heart disease is vitamin large quantities.

I take 10 grams of vitamin C per day in five doses of 2 grams about 2-3 hours apart. I no longer have an increasing volume of atheromatous plaque in my arteries.

Cholesterol is not a significant factor in atherogenesis if serum ascorbate is maintained continuously at a proper level. Ascorbate must be supplemented regularly since the body makes none of its own and the amount required can vary widely depending on the level of stress visited upon the body. Ascorbate absorbed into the system has a half-life of about 20 minutes when it peaks and then declines to survival level in about three hours, hence the need to continuously supplement.

Ref: Dr. T. Levy, "Stop America's #1 Killer"
Research, Drs. Hickey and Roberts, UK[/quote]
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Postby catamaran » Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:13 pm


Please be advised that I am NOT a physician, just an interested health advocate with a bone to pick with conventional medicine and its practicioners.

I'm pained to hear of your husband's plight; I know that diabetes sufferers are plagued with circulatory problems that can become so acute as to result in amputation....God forbid for your husband.

According to Dr. Fred Klenner and Dr. Levy glucose in the blood competes with ascorbate in uptake to cells. High glucose levels will exacerbate the ascorbate deficiency common to all of us enjoying normal health; for the diabetic the situation is acute. Dr. Klenner recommended that all his diabetic patients take at least 10 grams of vitamin C every day to aid in circulatory maintenance and healing. Dr. Cathcart recommends "titrating to bowel tolerance", dosing at intervals of 2-3 hours with a sufficient amount of vitamin C to bring on a status just short of a laxative effect, loose stool.

Oral VC in any imaginable quantity is not toxic. Ascorbic acid might cause a little stomach upset for some which can be alleviated by using a salt of ascorbic acid, calcium or sodium ascorbate. Dr. Klenner reported taking for decades 18-20 grams per day of sodium ascorbate and his systemic sodium levels were always normal. Calcium ascorbate dosing should be moderated if calcium intake amounts come into question since each 1000mg of ascorbate includes 85-135mg of calcium.

Anyway, as I have mentioned heretofore, go to this site and do some research on your will profit from it:


To your health, C.
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Location: Edgewater, Florida

Re: Supplements:

Postby Janie » Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:19 pm

You don't need to be a physician to have excellent advice and information. I, too, am a health advocate....and we frankly know quite a lot that doctors need to catch up on.

My husband controls his diabetes excellently with diet and Metformin--he won't be one to lose a limb, thank goodness. I'm proud of him.

Again, as stated before, thank you. :)
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Coconut water

Postby bunnylady » Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:55 pm

HEB and health food stores sell coconut water- it protects AND CLEANSES the LIVER and it LOWERS CHOLESTEROL- also helps prevent heart attacks and cures PMS- page 26 of this week's Woman's World magazine- its contains high amounts of potassium and magnesium plus Vitamin C- corrects electrolyte imbalances

I'm going to try it
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