Here is a quote from the second post in the thread I cited above:
"'We're able to show that insulin impairment
happens early in the disease,' de la Monte said.
'We're able to show it's linked to major neuro-
transmitters responsible for cognition. We're
able to show it's linked to poor energy meta-
bolism, and it's linked to abnormalities that
contribute to the tangles characteristic of
advanced Alzheimer's disease. This work ties
several concepts together and demonstrates
that Alzheimer's disease is quite possibly a
Type 3 diabetes,' she said."
This presents a good opportunity for me to correct a recently verified error of mine regarding the synthisis of neurotransmitters. I previously wrote the following at this URL:
"Reuptake inhibitors, as you are likely aware,
are the drug class that keep neurotransmitters
free and available in the vicinity of the synaptic
junctions. Serotonin is one such transmitter,
but I believe there are several others.
Serotonin, unless I am mistaken, is manufactor-
ed on-site from cholesterol, which is inhibited
on-site by lipophilic statins (e.g., Zocor)."
I was mistaken. While adequate cholesterol is doubtlessly necessary for such synthesis, it does not appear to be any direct precursor for serotonin.